Friday, July 20, 2007


Yeah. Nuthin' to report but a week or two of sedentary slothfulness. Elbow's nominally better than last week this time. i'm gonna try to get on a bike soon. i'm getting fat(ter).

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Program Modification

Yesterday i went to the climbgym. Had a pretty good workout. Finished by burning out on all the v1s i could find. Last one i did was a high-ish double traverse. Grabbed the last hold, but didn't get real secure on it before i popped. Fell fine, rolled backwards, and bent my left elbow the wrong way with this nasty tearing sound inside. Don't know what i did, but it sure hurts when i supinate, or try feeding myself. Can't really push or pull with it, so i pretty much can't do any kind of workout at all 'till it's better. Guess that's what i get for threatening to get into shape. That'll learn me.

Monday, July 9, 2007


Lessee here... been hanging pretty consistently at just over 200 lbs.

Friday i tore it down in the climbgym. Was one of those inspiring sorts of days wherein it all seems possible (precisely the opposite of today, it turns out). i hooked up with this feller i met a long time ago there. we climb at just about the same level, but he's gotten a tad better. He dragged me onto just about every v4 in the place, and as yet i do not climb v4. At any rate, i must'a' put up 100+ tries on some of 'em. Came pretty darn close on one or two. Since then, i've had this feeling of revelation, like, "Ahh, that's what it feels like!" and i've been wanting to get back in fresh and send some. So Friday's workout consisted of utterly teerashing my bitty forearms and most of the skin on m' hands. Very motivational.

Sat. was almost entirely dedicated to a kid's birthday party, followed by heavy drinking.

Sun. i did an o.k. upper body workout in the gym-of-metal-things. To classify it by the standard of Workouts With Metal Objects Past, i'd hafta say it was decidedly weak; but i didn't do a workout last weekend (we were in CO), and i didn't do it two weeks prior to that. So i've been averaging an upper body workout once every two weeks for a month or so. i truly believe i'd see some progress here if i stuck with it consistently-- and that is the plan. Here it wuz:


BW x 23 (neg. on the last 'un)

Narrow Cable Rows:

10 x 165
10 x 180
8 x 210
6 x 225
6 x 225

Last coupl'a sets i just melted down. Noticeable loss here.

Flat DB Bench:

Rehab with 2 sets of 14 with 25s

Incline DB Bench:

10 x 60s
10 x 60s

Felt kinda good to push a li'l weight again on these. i'm surely not so strong here, but my shoulder didn't tweak.

DB Shrugs:

14 x 90s
10 x 100s
10 x 100s
8 x 110s

Didn't do the next set of 8 as i was losing consciousness to hunger pangs.


3 sets 10 x BW

Pec Deck:

Sundry weights. couldn't go as high this time.


i sabotaged this workout cuz i didn't eat before i went in. i had forgotten how long it'd been since breakfast, and by the cable rows i was getting shaky. Pain tolerance was at ca. 50%, and i had no concentration. In spite of that, it was a good workout after having laid off for so long.

Monday (today) i actually woke up at 05:00 and went running in the foothills. That was kind'a nice. After work i went in for a hard seesion at the climbgym, but it was a wretched failure, and i left early. i wrote up my workout for the week, but it has a lot o' flaws-- one of which was scheduling a hard boulder workup the day after the upper body iron workout. i'll post my general plan (with some modifications) on here soon's i have time. it's amazing what having a written plan can do for the ol' motivation level.

Thursday, July 5, 2007


The last week has basically consisted of slothful binge eating, mixed in with oversleeping and playing Flash games. Went to CO, and that was just bliss. Did get out to climb a coupl'a times at Cold Creek Canyon, and that was a shot in the arm. Needed that bad. Here're some pics of the kiddoes, and some of Annie climbing:

Had a 5.11(a-ish) within redpoint reach, but i didn't have time to point it. Did do all the moves on lead, though, and that's good for the head. Very doable. Wanna redpoint 12 before the year's over. v5-6 and and a 5.12: that's a reachable goal. Diet and aerobic program're gonna change though. Time to get back to work.