Sunday, November 16, 2008

Pull and Grass

Yesterday was this year's annual Yank 'n' Yard climbing comp at ye olde rockgym. That was good clean fun, that was. i didn't climb anywhere near capacity, cuz m' hands were tired when i went in the door, but i did get second place in my age category (31-36 y/o). Guess i was pretty happy about that. And i won an Access Fund t-shirt, and a "Women of Climbing" 2009 calendar (which has so far failed to make Steph as happy as it made me.) i'll be curious to see what some of the grades on those routes end up being, but i felt like i was climbing a lot of v2. i might be surprised, but nothing i got felt much harder than that.

Well, i hope you guys are still in one piece, and you had a good weekend of it. Happy bachelorism, and i'm sorry i missed the party, B. Hopefully i'll get up there with you guys one of these times. Peace out.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

...a mind to rhyme and two hyped feet...

Yeah baby! Daddy's like some kind of rabbit's foot or something for me. Snagged two v4s yesterday. That one i sprayed about last week i went up to and yanked first try. Got a bunch of other stuff, and then settled into working another 4. Ended up not getting it before i ran outta time, but i linked through all the moves. Just couldn't hang on long enough to put it all together. Then Mama and Daddy showed up, and i sneakily took him back to the gym with me on an "errand run." He jumped on it and sent with the yoga-gorilla beta, but i didn't have that kind of game. Finally got it old school cuss-at-it-till-it-falls style.

It's amazing how much the rig work takes out of my arms. It's different muscles than i typically use for climbing, but it makes for some weird failures. i get two weeks off of using my crimpers, so i've gotten strong as hell on crimps, but the huge "easy" buckets and pinches i find myself totally juiced on. i have ongoing tendonitis from my shoulders to my palms.

Funny note: last thurs. was the filthiest day of my life so far. i swam for eight hours or so in drilling mud. we were tripping joints out of the hole, and every time we'd break a connection mud would spew out all over the place. i had the luxurious job of holding a piece of plastic over the connection when this happened. The other guys had on rain gear, but i had no warning. i was so covered in mud, i'd stop between connections and slick the crap off of me. we're talking every orifice on my body was crammed. There've been some times when confronted by public toilets that i've layed down some prophylactic toily paper to save me from Hep-C, but this was the first time i've ever felt compelled to put the paper on the seat to protect it from my ass.