Thursday, January 28, 2010

The new wee man

Here're a few shots of the li'l dude. Didn't get too creative, but you can sorta' see what he looks like 'til i get 'hold of better film.

Monday, January 25, 2010


Yo tengo sueno.

Got in to the irongym for a bit this evening. In some ways it was encouraging, and in some kinda' depressing. i clicked off 25 pullups, which gives me great hope. Left off o' straight leg deads after 6x255 'cuz my nubbins were melting off the bar. i was bummed about that, but to be a half-full kinda' guy, it wasn't very hard on my back at all. To be half-empty again for a sec, i couldn't finish the last set of weighted leg raises. Ah well...i'm baby stepping back into shape. And overall i'm feeling pretty strong again.

Anatomy quiz tomorrow. Let's see if the baby comes and saves me from it. "i've got a golden tick-et..."

Friday, January 22, 2010


i thought about writing yesterday. And, for that matter, the day before. Only, i didn't.

i did a pretty hard workout at the irongym on monday. i actually ended up hurting a QL doing DB rows--just had to get that last rep up, and of course i lifted my low back to get 'er. Wasn't so bad as first i'd expected. Good workout. Eye opening how outta shape i've gotten, but it's starting to come back.

Yesterday (thurs.) i snuck in for a quick climbing workout. It was not good. i did snag a tricky v4 roof problem that'd theretofore eluded me, and got another new v3ish crimper; then i got fully shut down on a v3. Squirted off the crappy topout hold 9 or ten hundred times 'fore i called it a day.

So today i went back. Sent a string of 3s for a warmup, resent that 4 i got yesterday, resent the 3ish crimper (just to recreate the same burn level) then sent the problem first try. Then i got another new 4 second try. Dunno...better mood or something. Anyhow, i'll take it. Good workout.

It's definitely reminding me of how much lifting takes out o' me. Very hard to coordinate the two. Absolutely cannot climb as much when i lift hard. On the other hand, there's such a huge difference in my lock-off strength, and just what i can pull on when i lift. i'll cope with climbing only 2 or 3 days the week if it means i can start pulling 5s and 6s again.

School is getting brutal. Very soon (read: when the baby makes his entrance) i'll be mostly living at the school. Today we combed through three cadavers having a look at cervical and brachial plexus nerves, and the sympathetic chain ganglia. i'll be spending a whole lotta free time chatting with cadavers in the next several weeks. i'm really looking forward to diving in--i just wish li'l Soren would cross the threshold. Mayhaps tonight...

Saturday Addendum:

we didn't end up squeezing Soren out fri. night. Moreover, he didn't end up coming last night; although at 4:30 this morning Steph woke me up and said she was probably in labor. i popped up, took a shower, brushed the bones, dressed; we went back to sleep, and here we are with a still-pregnant woman. Man, i thought he was gunna pop out tha' chute! He's going to be a teenager soon, and we haven't even met yet...

Antecedent to that crazy action, i got a text from a friend and went climbing again--for a third day in a row. i mostly went in to chat with the guy; no real intention of climbing hard--let alone well. Started out falling off of nearly everything, but it worked out to be a very fine warmup. Then we ended up working a stiff v5. i didn't seriously think i could hang the first moves, but i thought What the heck...might as well play. we drew a crowd, and the peer-pressure had a near miraculous effect. i didn't send, but i did do all the moves. i'm pretty sure it'll go if i can get in fresh, and with my head on straight. Now i must do homework. Peace.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Wuss Factor: Code Fuchsia

Didn't hafta go into anatomy lab today 'til 1300, so i got a short climb sesh in. Good thing it was short, too. i sucked it UP in there. Pain tolerance was just cellar level. Everything hurt. No reflexes. No flexibility. The deadlifts on monday nearly made a paraplegic outta me. i think i'll try again tomorrow; see if i can sleep a li'l tonight, and rectify my wrongs.

On a brighter note, i just finished m' first week of school. So far i'm passing everything. Oh, and i just got my equipment order in with a shiny new Littmann Card 3. It's a new and, frankly, neat feeling to be able to hear things through a stethoscope, 'stead of just creating diastolics outta thin air 'cuz you're just so sure there should be one.

Baby had an ultrasound this morning. He looked perfect--all the metrics they score were right on target. Thank you guys for the prayers. Anyhow, i'm wasted. Real glad monday's a holiday. Peace.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Overdoin' it propa'

Climbed hard sun. Lifted yesterday. Climbed on break again today. It might have been a mistake to try taking up lifting approximately where i left off several months ago, but i'm determined to get my pudgy arse back in shape. i did leave the last set off of each workout. But i could definitely feel some muscle fibers missing from the climbworkout today. i look forward to being strong again, so that i don't get so torn down and sore. At this rate, i expect to be strong again in one week. So how's Dallas, and, um, Abilene, i think?

Sunday, January 10, 2010


It starts tomorrow. Got $300 worth o' books, spiffy new computadora, a bolt o' slick new poindexter britches, a haircut, a shave, and even some new G2 gel pens. How could i be more ready? 8 hrs. per day, 5 days the week, for 2.25 years. If that don't make me feel like i'm worth my paycheck, then nothin' will.

i'm figuring the baby will come 'bout halfway through tomorrow sometime.

Didn't irongym me today; but i did go climbing. Good session all around. m' hands are frittered. Planned on lifting, but i don't think the nubbins would hold a heavy bar presently. i do plan to make it up tomorrow if i can sneak a workout in.

we'll see how it goes. Don't ease up on those prayers yet, bruthas.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Toxic shock in the proton ocean

i actually worked out yesterday in the irongym. Things were grim, as expected; but not as grim as expected. i kinda did the workout i've been doing before, only i stopped short on nearly everything so's not to be quite so broken and sore today. Still had to concentrate on not puking and driving in a straightish line on the way home. Seems i packed on some poison o'er the holidays.

we packed our bags for the hospital last night. Steph went to work today (for reasons i'm not altogether clear on), but i'm expecting the phone call. Don't know, of course, that it'll be today, but i surely wouldn't be surprised. i'm looking forward to meeting the new boy. Prayers please.

Oh, and Joshua and Amber had their baby this morning at 7:18. You should text him and say congrats.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Etwas Anders

Could have a baby tomorrow. Don't know that for sure, of course; only it seems very possible.

Interesting day, today. Did get to go climbing. Sent the first v5 i've done in a long time. Can't say it was solid 5, 'cuz i did it on m' 3rd try; but it was possible to imagine it might have been hard if i were a bigger wuss than i am. (First time i tried it i didn't expect to stick the last move, which was a long, off-balanced diagonal throw to the slopey lip; but i sorta stuck, swung out nearly horizontal to the ground at ceiling height, and popped. Screamed like a li'l girl on the way down.) Hooked up with a friend, and we put in a pretty gnarly workout today. Finished with some toproping. That's becoming a very fine addition to the session. Did an 11-, lowered, and climbed this 5.8, downclimbed it, climbed it, downclimbed, then climbed a third of the way back up before melting off. Then climbed a 10+, lowered, moved to a 9-, sent, started downclimbing, and melted a few moves above the start holds. Forearms were juiced. That's a good workout. i'd like to keep that trend going.

Just watched District 9. Rent that. One o' the coolest flicks i've seen in a very long while. i think i'll purchase that 'un.

Seriously though, Steph has been having mad contractions today. Naturally, el nino could tarry for another week or two; but it sure don't seem likely. For my part, i'm hoping for a good night of sleep 'fore he pops. Prayers, please, for full development and a healthy boy. It's looking to be a crazy week.