Monday, April 9, 2018

Campus #4 and some bouldering

Last Wednesday i got in Campus #4. I somehow managed not to take my journal with me, so it isn't really recorded, but it wasn't great. As i recall, it amounted to a "Hey this is a downward spiral" sort of session. Difficult to tell if i just didn't give 'er enough time since the prior sesh, or if i just took the "Warmup Boulder Ladder" a li'l too serious. I'm honestly thing the latter is the case. Got a bit enamored with a v6ish problem, and just wouldn't stop 'til i had nothing left in the tank.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Campus 3, an LB sesh, Bouldering, a Ride--S:8

I wrote all the following yesterday, but managed not to publish. So: from 3/30/18:

Bouldered at the gym today, and that was just actually a really encouraging session of it. Really went in to kick around and move some...kinda some "active recovery", but it turned into a pretty hard session. So: did Campus #3 on 3/29, and it was trending into a downward spiral; whereafter it's occurred that i'm prolly going either too hard on the LB sessions, or else i'm just not spacing 'em far enough apart to heal my decrepit tendons properly. Since i could say almost as a truism that the latter is true, and i've no meaningful intention of changing that, i figured it'd be better to just prioritize the Campus sessions and lay off the Limit Boulder sessions. In lieu of the LB sesh that would'a' been approximately today, i just did a long boulder ladder session. Warmed the mitts up, actually pulled down some spicy problems, but can't say i ever took it to the instant meltdown spot. And to be honest, i'm not sure i have been anyway on the LB sessions. It is really very tricky to find a limity move. I mean, usually when i fail on the the Business Wall, it's because of body tension, or a foot popping, or just not reaching the "limit" hold--not because i just fail to stick it. I like the idea of limit bouldering, but in reality Campusing is Limit Bouldering. That is pretty much literally as hard as it gets in a controlled, pingers-isolated environment. On the other hand, beating my head against crimpy problems a grade or two above my redpoint limit i'd reckon would comprise by definition a limit move.

I really wish they had a proper Moon Wall at the gym.

Anyhow, after that i dusted off the mt bike and rode the river trail for about 11mi. I have lost some serious fitness in the last two months. Methinks i'll pay for that. But it is a nice place to ride.