Saturday, December 8, 2007


Three weeks; three days-- who's counting? i clomb a coupl'a evenings ago with James for to avoid putting the gun in my mouth for a bit longer. And i do hafta say that three off days did me a lotta good. i'm still going to take some weeks off (starting hopefully now), but i was going insane and needed real bad to go pull the walls down. Had to take it kinda easy on my finger still, and i think i've probably gained 4 or 5 lbs. in my few days off, but i snagged a bunch o' routes for feeling like a sluggard. Very good workout in spite of the fact that i probably set back my healtime a little further. i'd bought a shiny new bottle of brandy on my way home frome school, and i was contemplating another evening of sitting here feeling tired and crappy in front of this damned monitor drinking, and when it all washed out, blowing out a finger tendon sounded healthier and more enjoyable. i am gonna start back in the irongym, but i've gotta be in the right frame of mind for it-- it's gonna be a li'l depressing till i've got a few weeks in it.

Hope yer meet has gone well.


Pappa G said...

drinking is bad. climbing is good. lifting heavy objects is good. do good things. don't do bad things.

c said...

Like the Good Book says, "Do good things. Don't do bad things."

Right proper advice.