Friday, December 19, 2008

Fell on. Black days.

Imagine something bovine, swinging from a couple of those stretchy sticky rubber whips you used to wet down and irritate friends and teachers with as a lad, and that's about the correct picture of me in today's training session. we're staying at Steph's parent's house whilst replacing the flooring in ours, and for large chunks of the day there's nothing to do but eat while i'm watching the kids. The tendonitis has abated nearly not at all, although i've taken at least four days off. Plus, today's the first day of trying to quit dipping, so i feel like butter scraped over too much bread. (i just came up with that analogy, just now.) So instead of laying flooring, i'm drinking beer and trying not to think of how nice a dip sounds, nor of how much i'd like to strangle someone till they stop twitching. Maybe i need a hobby...


Pappa G said...

Ok, Bilbo, your tendencies towards violence are becoming disturbing. If you do end up having to choke a punk, make sure they really deserve it. And wear gloves.

c said...

i don't understand the reference to "Bilbo." i have no idea why you wrote that.

And yeah: it's Guillotine the Federal "Representative" of Your Choice Day. Time to blow off some steam.

Pappa G said...

Oh ,come on! Bilbo Baggins explained his addiction to the ring by saying he felt like butter spread over too much bread. Perhaps it was jam. I don't recall. It probably doesn't matter.