i'm sitting at Golfernoggins watching reruns of ca. 1954 Popeye. i think i'll make it my new goal to be able to crush open a can of spinach. Crud, i'd be fairly happy to be able to crush open a can of pretty much anything.
Popped in fer a 30 min. workout at the irongym. Engaged in sundry pushing motions. i have no chest and no anterior deltoids. Then i hopped on a bike ergometer for "1 mile." Turns out i have no quads either. But i burned like 46 calories.
Humiliating, but i guess ya gotta start somewhere.
so you were on the bike for what, 3-4 minutes? I have to wonder if it was really worth it.
dude, try the 5-3-1 program for one cycle. Works out to like five weeks total. Don't even jack with the accessory work. Just go in three days a week and hit the main lifts. You'll be out in 20-30 mins depending on your time warming up and stretching. You're not going to put on extra weight lifting like this, but you will see overall strength improve. Be really conservative with your maxes and just don't miss a workout for five weeks. I'd be really interested to see how it works out.
hmm. perhaps i shall.
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