Admittedly, these could use some Photoshopping. The contrast is a tad low. Blanched pic (and ghastly ankles), notwithstanding, these puppadogs fit like ballet slippers. In fact, i can do en pointe in 'em. One can stand on literally anything. And the price was the best i've found.
They actually highlighted just how eight-ball-esque the La Sports had become: i didn't feel so much like i was wearing ice skates whilst climbing. But i am emotionally attached to m' Miuras, and Sport's XS Grip rubber does rock worlds when it's not polished to a glossy sheen. But it's been a while-e-o since i've had a pair of aggressive, down-cambered chisels on, and these things are made for edging. Tres cool. Also, (as you can sorta see from the pic) they're totally covered in rubber, so the bicycling/toe-hooking/heel-hooking capacity is just neato-bandito.
i hauled 'em to the Kettergym yestern for to run 'em through the rigors. i can't say i say i was up to the task of maxing out my machines, but i did send a swarthy fistful of v3s--and even (supposedly) a v4 (although i righteously downgraded it).
i almost definitely shouldn't have climbed, but i felt like moving. The night before, we went to the bro-in-law's, and inadvertantly got torn down. Six or 8 oz. of Scotch with a half-liter of Merlot, along with a 2:00am bedtime is no way to prepare for an athletic endeavor (unless you're, say, G) and i rightly came out of it with bilateral biceps tendonitis and, i think, gout. But it was another glimmer of hope. i was a hemisphere away from pulling with a full Vitality meter, but i still pulled acceptably. Now i need about a week off of climbing with just running and swimming my chunky arse into skinniness.
And a tiny prayer request. i reckon in the Grand Scheme it isn't that important, but i'm on the hairy, razor's edge in getting my app to caspa on time. i've submitted, but they're waiting on a transcript before they can process it. Once they get it, it'll still take at least 2 weeks to process. That'll put me in line for the last possible interview in the middle of november. If they still have slots left by then, i feel fairly confident i could be accepted, but it seems (from this perspective) pretty iffy that they'll get it processed in time. i'm a tad nervous.
Nice jumps man. I have to say Im wanting to move sandy and I one of these days to a place with more stone. Maybe a good clymejim. I do miss the boldering in austin.
Prayers coming my brother. I feel very confident for you as well. Stave the tension until its necessary. You can use that energy elsewhere. Till next time!
those are neat-o. just the sight of them make my toes hurt. Seems like they would be great for bouldering.
I'll most certainly be praying about the application. Have you called the school and explained the situation? Those processes tend to be more human when you're dealing with a private school. I know I pulled off some crap just by talking to the right people that never would have flown in a giant university machine.
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