Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Wanna hear it go

There is a climbing comp in Amarillo this sat. methinks i'll not be making it. Steph had her scheduled appt. with the midwife this morning, and she's "thinning" and 2 kilometers dilated. Now she's trying to squeeze 'til the 3rd, which'll be the 36 week mark. we'd all be happier if she was projecting till week 37, but it's looking sketchy. Anyhow, we could just have us a baby boy this weekend.

i got m' physical today for school. Happily, he forewent the rectal exam. That's neither here nor there, only it lifted my spirits.

i went climbing a couple o' days ago. Didn't go too badly for a fatboy. i'm back over 200lbs., but i still sent a slew of v3s and 4s. Think i'm gunna go climb today; might be the last chance i get for a while. Sorry to trouble you all again, but i'd appreciate the prayers for the babe--if he comes in the next few days he'll be pushing the development envelope. Staying a week or two in an nbicu again would be super stressful under the circumstances. There're certainly worse problems to have, i know; but that'd be neat if he comes out perfect and healthy and well. Peace.

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