i thought about writing yesterday. And, for that matter, the day before. Only, i didn't.
i did a pretty hard workout at the irongym on monday. i actually ended up hurting a QL doing DB rows--just had to get that last rep up, and of course i lifted my low back to get 'er. Wasn't so bad as first i'd expected. Good workout. Eye opening how outta shape i've gotten, but it's starting to come back.
Yesterday (thurs.) i snuck in for a quick climbing workout. It was not good. i did snag a tricky v4 roof problem that'd theretofore eluded me, and got another new v3ish crimper; then i got fully shut down on a v3. Squirted off the crappy topout hold 9 or ten hundred times 'fore i called it a day.
So today i went back. Sent a string of 3s for a warmup, resent that 4 i got yesterday, resent the 3ish crimper (just to recreate the same burn level) then sent the problem first try. Then i got another new 4 second try. Dunno...better mood or something. Anyhow, i'll take it. Good workout.
It's definitely reminding me of how much lifting takes out o' me. Very hard to coordinate the two. Absolutely cannot climb as much when i lift hard. On the other hand, there's such a huge difference in my lock-off strength, and just what i can pull on when i lift. i'll cope with climbing only 2 or 3 days the week if it means i can start pulling 5s and 6s again.
School is getting brutal. Very soon (read: when the baby makes his entrance) i'll be mostly living at the school. Today we combed through three cadavers having a look at cervical and brachial plexus nerves, and the sympathetic chain ganglia. i'll be spending a whole lotta free time chatting with cadavers in the next several weeks. i'm really looking forward to diving in--i just wish li'l Soren would cross the threshold. Mayhaps tonight...
Saturday Addendum:
we didn't end up squeezing Soren out fri. night. Moreover, he didn't end up coming last night; although at 4:30 this morning Steph woke me up and said she was probably in labor. i popped up, took a shower, brushed the bones, dressed; we went back to sleep, and here we are with a still-pregnant woman. Man, i thought he was gunna pop out tha' chute! He's going to be a teenager soon, and we haven't even met yet...
Antecedent to that crazy action, i got a text from a friend and went climbing again--for a third day in a row. i mostly went in to chat with the guy; no real intention of climbing hard--let alone well. Started out falling off of nearly everything, but it worked out to be a very fine warmup. Then we ended up working a stiff v5. i didn't seriously think i could hang the first moves, but i thought What the heck...might as well play. we drew a crowd, and the peer-pressure had a near miraculous effect. i didn't send, but i did do all the moves. i'm pretty sure it'll go if i can get in fresh, and with my head on straight. Now i must do homework. Peace.
The kid outta be able to give you a high-five in utero by now. Oh well. Babies would actually be a lot easier to manage if they all came out walking and talking.
True, dat.
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