Sunday, January 10, 2010


It starts tomorrow. Got $300 worth o' books, spiffy new computadora, a bolt o' slick new poindexter britches, a haircut, a shave, and even some new G2 gel pens. How could i be more ready? 8 hrs. per day, 5 days the week, for 2.25 years. If that don't make me feel like i'm worth my paycheck, then nothin' will.

i'm figuring the baby will come 'bout halfway through tomorrow sometime.

Didn't irongym me today; but i did go climbing. Good session all around. m' hands are frittered. Planned on lifting, but i don't think the nubbins would hold a heavy bar presently. i do plan to make it up tomorrow if i can sneak a workout in.

we'll see how it goes. Don't ease up on those prayers yet, bruthas.


Pappa G said...

Hope class is going well. That is, of course, assuming you're in class and not at the hospital.

c said...

so far he's staying in the foxhole. Personally, i don't blame 'im.

Anonymous said...
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Pappa G said...

I'll second that.

Pappa G said...

Cool. Scroll around in that kanji BS and watch the bottom left corner of your browser. I wouldn't click on any of it unless you want to ruin your shiny new computer. On the otherhand, might be worthwhile.

c said...
