Thursday, April 8, 2010

Mixed Emoticons


It's the weekend! Found out yesterday or so that we'll only have class two or three fridays this quarter if at all. me likey three day weekends. So i decided to go climbing. And i talked a couple o' school mates into going with me. They hadn't climbed in a long while, so i was thinking a chilled day would be good times. Plus i climbed yesterday, so i didn't think there'd be much fuel left in the tank anyhow. But i think i was so amped to have some mates to climb with that i was inspired. Ended up sending that v5 i smished my finger on at the comp first try, got at least 2 v4s (onsighted one of 'em), and walked a long string of new 3s. And m' friends seemed to have a good time, which doesn't normally happen in my presence. i think they both left with some white-hot forearm afterglow. Who knows? Maybe i can talk 'em into joining and i'll have some workout partners. That'd be mighty fine.


Then Steph called and tol' me KattyKat has Paw, Hoof, and Maw Disease or something like this, and that it's way contagious. Bummed am i, for i wished dear to see yas. But we'll get down there soon. At any rate, knowing i have most of my fridays off'n school gives us a li'l more freedom to plan. You guys free next weekend?


Pappa G said...

I think we're free next weekend. If not then, the next one for sure.

c said...

Duly noted. i'm pretty sure for our part that we can pull a trip off in the next couple o' weekends.