Sunday, August 1, 2010

Minority Report

Nigh on had th' gym to m'self this afternoon. Mighty fine atmosphere, that.

Meme and mama are here for the week. we'll see how that works out. i've got midterms all this week, so we'll see if Steph still retains her sanity by next weekend. On the bright side, i made it though a weekend with daddy for the first time in a while without having a dip. i'm determined to make it through the week without one. Never done a week of tests without one, i think. Also, i didn't get to climb, so it will have been nearly a week since last i clumb (at least) even if i sneak in on wednesday or so. That's a good thing for my beleaguered flipper-offer finger.

Did back and abs today. Hadn't gotten that workout in for about three weeks now, so i had low expectations. i know i've slathered on some blubber in the meantime. At any rate, i clipped off 24 clean pullups for a warmup. Only worked up to a double with 80 before i was fragged, but it could'a' been worse. Very much to my surprise, i worked up to a triple with 305 on straight leg deads. The rest of the workout was a li'l stale, but those are the meat and potatoes of my workout, so i'm happy.

As i was doing deads, i noticed the only other guy in the gym doing rack lockouts on squats. He followed that up with bench squats. So i asked him if he competes. i mentioned that i'd yet to see a brotha' doing such at our gym. He said with some disdain that it's because it's a bodybuilding gym. But he doesn't compete. i was just amped to see someone in it for the power. And i thought you'd think it's nice to know there's more of you nutcases out there in the world.

Also got in chest, etc, on fri. Not a super motivational workout, but i'm still working on my form on bench. And you'll be pleased that i've pretty much stopped doing more than 5 reps per. And my shoulders, at least, are getting a li'l bit stronger. i so think it'd be mighty fine to have a spotter. Mighty fine.


Pappa G said...

Hehe. so how many actual body builders do you see in that gym? Most bodybuilding gyms contain about two real bodybuilders. Everyone else is on a "maintenance" phase.

c said...

Yeah. i've seen a li'l handful. They're gearing up for a posing comp in august or so. Lots of jackasses lifting their shirts to grimace in the mirror. And i saw this one crazy skinny li'l dude with a coach working on his routine and choreography trying to "really make it pop out... and smile!". Gayest thing i've ever witnessed. Gave me an eye tic.

Pappa G said...

Make WHAT pop out? Ewwweeee.

c said...

i'm with the Chinese salesdude: Make that stand out.