Thursday, September 23, 2010

Holding pattern

Weighed again today. i'm holding at 192lbs. But i'm ok with that, cuz i still think my spare tire is deflating a bit. Plus i've had to back off on the two-a-days since i'm back in school ('cuz the pointy haireds above keep jacking with the schedule). But i've still managed to workout in some form or another pretty much every day, which is a very important change from the earlier days. Lessee...i think i posted on tues. Ended up doing a 45min run that evening. Yesterday, i actually did get up and swim. Got beat in a 50 by a guy in swim trunks doing butterfly, but he was a strong swimmer. Got in 1200m-- wu/cd: 600; bi'ness sets: 300/100/200 on no particular interval. i'm slow (it's my second swim in maybe 5 or 6 months), but i did notice i felt way better with more distance than the last time i swam. i wanted to climb yesterday, but they shuffled our schedule, so i had two hours of lunch. However, i took the rings with me and threw 'em over an I-beam in the school. That was a good time. Amazing how much those things destabilize a brutha'. If i can get strong on those things, methinks i shall be strong indeed. Then i got sucked into throwing a football with some guys (if you can picture me throwing the ol' pigskin) and i managed to jam a finger. Soon i'll be climbing with my left hand in a cast. Ah well: if i do, i'm gonna glue some Stealth rubber to it.

i'm gunna try to sneak out for an hour-ish today and get a li'l climbin' in. Then i'm going to try to get a run in after class. It's funny: every time i run now, Annie wants to go for a training run afterward. So we'll go to the park for some laps and sprints. That li'l chick is so fast it's scary. we'll be running along and she'll decide she wants to go, and she can fully out-accelerate me. Can't beat me over any distance of course (yet), but it's like there's no limit to how high she can take deltaV in about 1sec. Maybe i'll have the next Johanna Ernst. Vamos a ver.
Later that day:

Got that climb session in. Not too shabby, but i'm definitely outta shape. Got six v3s. wanted seven, but my right hand was playing out at the top of the last one. i'm not sure i've ever actually done that many v3s in a session--and it was in about 1.25 hrs. Very nice workout, really. Good for the endurance bones. i have nearly none.


Pappa G said...

I gotta get some rings. That sounds dope.

c said...

'Cept, i got mine for 'bout $65. Sweet rings, though.