Did deads today. Went all right, i guess. 5 x 340, 3 x 385, and 1 x 430. The last one felt pretty easy, so i piled on 30 mo' and tried 460 just for grins. Did get it to my shins, but the force was not with me--i failed. Funny, but it tore m' wee morale down. Funny 'cuz i really wasn't planning on maxing anyway, and i didn't do the right workup to max. But i ripped 430 up, and i imagined it would go. Could'a' used some ammonia up the nose i guess. i can see that i could use some speed work and rack work. Think i'm gunna shift the 5/3/1 thing to heavy pullups for a round, and do some rack pulls and straight leg deads too. On p'lups i managed a set of 20 bw, then 10 with +25, and 3 x 6 x +45. Then i did 3 x 30 on straight leg raises and call 'er a day. i'd like to climb on wed, and i have a project nagging me, and i want some vestiges of my back intact for it.
Also found out i probably won't be going to Roswell. That's fine. Only i don't have a clue where i'll be going instead. Little bit stressful, that. Biggest fear is that they'll swap my rotations around, leave me here next, and send me to BFE for when my baby's due. That'd bum me royally.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
shoulders and such
On fri i worked shoulders. Overhead press did 170 x 5, 180 x 5, then 195 x 5. Then did a set of 10 x 100. Oh, wait! That was your workout. Actually, i did 120 x 5, 135 x 3, a double with 150, and a single with 160. (That was a new pr). super-setted the other shouldery stuff.
Yesterday i clumb. This was after most of a week off. i still have some biceps tendonitis, and it was an odd session. Flashed a new "v4" first thing. Then got shut down on a sick-hard v5. So i went upstairs to the roof, and got shut down on a "v4". i think it would actually be a v4 if it were about half as long as it is. Then started working on another 5 that i'm not actually sure is physically possible (unless you can span 7 feet with your full splits). So i started working a v6 right beside the other two, and i worked out most of the moves. The grades have left off any sort of contact with sensibility or intuition.
Ah well: It was a good workout, and my hands are thrashed. Wish i could come to 'marillo next weekend, but i leave for alien town then. i tol' daddy he's got some nearly perfect timing. But it turns out i'll be closer to the Big Yellow from down there than i am from here. So maybe two weeks out?
Yesterday i clumb. This was after most of a week off. i still have some biceps tendonitis, and it was an odd session. Flashed a new "v4" first thing. Then got shut down on a sick-hard v5. So i went upstairs to the roof, and got shut down on a "v4". i think it would actually be a v4 if it were about half as long as it is. Then started working on another 5 that i'm not actually sure is physically possible (unless you can span 7 feet with your full splits). So i started working a v6 right beside the other two, and i worked out most of the moves. The grades have left off any sort of contact with sensibility or intuition.
Ah well: It was a good workout, and my hands are thrashed. Wish i could come to 'marillo next weekend, but i leave for alien town then. i tol' daddy he's got some nearly perfect timing. But it turns out i'll be closer to the Big Yellow from down there than i am from here. So maybe two weeks out?
Thursday, September 22, 2011
As i mentioned before, i've left my weights the same on chest. Did the 3 x 3 yesterday. Got 'em all this time.Lesee...it was 185, 200, and 210.
m' hands still creak from mon's workout. Good medicine, that.
m' hands still creak from mon's workout. Good medicine, that.
Monday, September 19, 2011
The power of negative thinking
So we finally did go to the mts yesterday. Went to Los Conchas with the fam and some chicks from my class. Very good time. i was afraid the place would be blackened and crispy after the big fire there, but it seems to have spared the actual climbing area. The hills across the street, on the other hand, were charred ash trays.
i did three climbs, of which i led one. One of the girls had never been climbing, and she wanted to lead, so she led this 5.7/8 thing. Annie followed that one and got the whole thing. i was very happy 'bout that. Another of the girls also wanted to lead, so she led the 5.6. i just cleaned up afterwards. But i did do this 5.10d/11a thing. It's kinda my strength gauge. i've sent the thing before, but it's really bouldery at the bottom, and really sustained and pumpy at the top. Always before it was a matter of whether or not i could pull off the moves through the first three bolts. But they were, like, easy-peezy. But the top killed me. Well, the top, and the fact that i had a chick belaying me who'd never held a rope before. i was over-gripping everything, and every time i'd get the last bolt at about ankle height i'd imagine myself taking a 20-footer if i popped. But i made it to the top after a couple of hangs. Li'l bummed, but mostly i was amazed at how much stronger i am than last summer, and how little endurance i have. i mean, i was destroyed after one semi-long, not-particularly-difficult climb.
Then i went again to the climbgym today. Went mostly to study, and i did get a lot of studying in. But i thought i'd at least snag that v5 i'd failed on last time. Over about 4 hours i probably put 25 burns in on that problem. It's something like a four move v5, and i kept popping going for the finish. So as far as my nubbins were concerned, i'd climbed this v5 like 20+ times. There is only this translucent, pinkish, flesh-like fascia stretched across my fingers now. i gave up on the problem in despair after all these burns, and i went to the boulder to read a while. Got a v4 and several v3s and 2s. Then i gave up and went to get my Chacos, but i saw a group of guys working stuff in the cave where my project happened to be. So i thought i'd give 'er one more burn. And it went! (and light shone from Heaven, and there was an angelic choir). Funny what the threat of looking like a wussy baby can do for the motivation. Then i repeated that "4+" i'd done a few days ago, and finally got this "4-" all-sloper prob that was significantly harder than the 4+. Then i went home, ate some raisins, and went to the gym for deads day.
It was 3x3 day, so i got 360, 385 and 405. Hard, but we had that conversation. Thanks for the encouragement, btw. Very nice to have a partner, even if only by cellular network. Was definitely doubtful 'bout whether my hands would hold that bar, but it wasn't so bad. P'lups...i suffered on. 20 x BW, then 10 x +25. But the 2 x 6 with +45 i did last week turned into 2 x 4, and i tried a fifth rep on the last set and couldn't get my butt to budge. M' lats tol' me, "Nope. You've got plenty outta us for the day, thank you very much." The BB rows hurt. The good-mornings actually felt kinda therapeutic. Straight leg raises sucked the chrome off a tailpipe. 3 x 30, but i didn't actually get 'em in 3 sets...more like 1 x 30, then as many sets as it took to get 60 more without vomiting.
Really not a bad weekend, all said and done. If i could just shake this sinus infection and get my floor tiled things would be downright blissful.
i did three climbs, of which i led one. One of the girls had never been climbing, and she wanted to lead, so she led this 5.7/8 thing. Annie followed that one and got the whole thing. i was very happy 'bout that. Another of the girls also wanted to lead, so she led the 5.6. i just cleaned up afterwards. But i did do this 5.10d/11a thing. It's kinda my strength gauge. i've sent the thing before, but it's really bouldery at the bottom, and really sustained and pumpy at the top. Always before it was a matter of whether or not i could pull off the moves through the first three bolts. But they were, like, easy-peezy. But the top killed me. Well, the top, and the fact that i had a chick belaying me who'd never held a rope before. i was over-gripping everything, and every time i'd get the last bolt at about ankle height i'd imagine myself taking a 20-footer if i popped. But i made it to the top after a couple of hangs. Li'l bummed, but mostly i was amazed at how much stronger i am than last summer, and how little endurance i have. i mean, i was destroyed after one semi-long, not-particularly-difficult climb.
Then i went again to the climbgym today. Went mostly to study, and i did get a lot of studying in. But i thought i'd at least snag that v5 i'd failed on last time. Over about 4 hours i probably put 25 burns in on that problem. It's something like a four move v5, and i kept popping going for the finish. So as far as my nubbins were concerned, i'd climbed this v5 like 20+ times. There is only this translucent, pinkish, flesh-like fascia stretched across my fingers now. i gave up on the problem in despair after all these burns, and i went to the boulder to read a while. Got a v4 and several v3s and 2s. Then i gave up and went to get my Chacos, but i saw a group of guys working stuff in the cave where my project happened to be. So i thought i'd give 'er one more burn. And it went! (and light shone from Heaven, and there was an angelic choir). Funny what the threat of looking like a wussy baby can do for the motivation. Then i repeated that "4+" i'd done a few days ago, and finally got this "4-" all-sloper prob that was significantly harder than the 4+. Then i went home, ate some raisins, and went to the gym for deads day.
It was 3x3 day, so i got 360, 385 and 405. Hard, but we had that conversation. Thanks for the encouragement, btw. Very nice to have a partner, even if only by cellular network. Was definitely doubtful 'bout whether my hands would hold that bar, but it wasn't so bad. P'lups...i suffered on. 20 x BW, then 10 x +25. But the 2 x 6 with +45 i did last week turned into 2 x 4, and i tried a fifth rep on the last set and couldn't get my butt to budge. M' lats tol' me, "Nope. You've got plenty outta us for the day, thank you very much." The BB rows hurt. The good-mornings actually felt kinda therapeutic. Straight leg raises sucked the chrome off a tailpipe. 3 x 30, but i didn't actually get 'em in 3 sets...more like 1 x 30, then as many sets as it took to get 60 more without vomiting.
Really not a bad weekend, all said and done. If i could just shake this sinus infection and get my floor tiled things would be downright blissful.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Blame it on my ADD, baby.
This is how i show my love
i made it in my mind because....
Right. And i did shoulders last night. Really not a bad workout. 3 x 125, 3 x 135, then that felt easy, so 4 x 145. Then i supersetted the other stuff. Then i went to the grocery store, and that put me in a filthy, murderous mood. But in the absence of anyone to talk to or anything to break, i've opted to take it out on my own renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.
But we're off at lunch today, and i'm hoping to go to the mountains. Maybe that'll clear the darker clouds away. i'm planning on not doing deads 'til monday. i wanna be nice and healed, and i'm hoping to have a strong climbing day this weekend without the iron breakdown. Got some projects i wanna lay a lilly on.
But then, all of a sudden...
...we didn't end up going to the mts, 'cuz we're so unbelievably slow. Not a battle-ready platoon we got us here. So i went to the climbgym. i really, really meant not to; it just happened. i was geared up for a day of chillaxin' on 5.6 in a grassy meadow, so it took my brain a while to rev up to projectin' speed. But it ended up not being a bad workout. Didn't 'xactly pull down impressive numbers, but it edified, nonetheless. And i got a lot of assent to my feeling that the grades have gotten way stiffer on the new round of routes. But i worked with a pal who usually just makes me look bad, and i out-climbed him on several routes. Flashed a 3+, and i finally ticked a "4+". And (even though i didn't get it) i finally put the moves together on a v5 that, when it went up, i didn't actually think i could do. That should go first thing on the next fresh session. Anyhow, it showed me a few things. i think i'm actually getting stronger, for one. i've been sick the entire week. In fact, i ended up waking up at one of the less-holy hours this morning and puking. Still haven't fully shaken the sinus infx either. But i climbed pretty well in spite of it. Then also, the scale this morning said i'm at about 194. Which might account for the strong climbing. And it might be a good reading--i've been eating about half what i usually do 'cuz i can't taste anything. But it amazes me how much better i climb when i drop maybe 5 lbs. i get down into the southern hemisphere of the 190s, and i climb like a different person. And in spite of not eating quite as much, i haven't felt weaker, or lost any muscle. i mean, i haven't missed any iron workouts, and i'm still healing just fine and making progress on that front too. It shows me how neurotic i am about a "positive nitrogen balance". i really think i could go on what i consider a starvation diet and i'd just lose a bunch of lard. And if i could get down to the vicinity of 180, and i could climb v8+. At 200, i'm climbing with folks 40-50 lbs lighter than me. And there's no way i'm under 14% body-fat. That means i have 28 lbs of blubber i'm hauling about. 8% ain't exactly ripped, but that'd have me down to 188 lbs. And that's assuming i'm at 14% now...could very well be i'm higher than that, which means i could lose even more without feeling it.
All that's to say the Yank'n'Yard's coming up in a month. And i'd like to rock it. You should come compete with me. It's a good time.
i think i'll go do deads today. Might get to go to the mountains tomorrow. And that'd be fine.
i made it in my mind because....
Right. And i did shoulders last night. Really not a bad workout. 3 x 125, 3 x 135, then that felt easy, so 4 x 145. Then i supersetted the other stuff. Then i went to the grocery store, and that put me in a filthy, murderous mood. But in the absence of anyone to talk to or anything to break, i've opted to take it out on my own renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.
But we're off at lunch today, and i'm hoping to go to the mountains. Maybe that'll clear the darker clouds away. i'm planning on not doing deads 'til monday. i wanna be nice and healed, and i'm hoping to have a strong climbing day this weekend without the iron breakdown. Got some projects i wanna lay a lilly on.
But then, all of a sudden...
...we didn't end up going to the mts, 'cuz we're so unbelievably slow. Not a battle-ready platoon we got us here. So i went to the climbgym. i really, really meant not to; it just happened. i was geared up for a day of chillaxin' on 5.6 in a grassy meadow, so it took my brain a while to rev up to projectin' speed. But it ended up not being a bad workout. Didn't 'xactly pull down impressive numbers, but it edified, nonetheless. And i got a lot of assent to my feeling that the grades have gotten way stiffer on the new round of routes. But i worked with a pal who usually just makes me look bad, and i out-climbed him on several routes. Flashed a 3+, and i finally ticked a "4+". And (even though i didn't get it) i finally put the moves together on a v5 that, when it went up, i didn't actually think i could do. That should go first thing on the next fresh session. Anyhow, it showed me a few things. i think i'm actually getting stronger, for one. i've been sick the entire week. In fact, i ended up waking up at one of the less-holy hours this morning and puking. Still haven't fully shaken the sinus infx either. But i climbed pretty well in spite of it. Then also, the scale this morning said i'm at about 194. Which might account for the strong climbing. And it might be a good reading--i've been eating about half what i usually do 'cuz i can't taste anything. But it amazes me how much better i climb when i drop maybe 5 lbs. i get down into the southern hemisphere of the 190s, and i climb like a different person. And in spite of not eating quite as much, i haven't felt weaker, or lost any muscle. i mean, i haven't missed any iron workouts, and i'm still healing just fine and making progress on that front too. It shows me how neurotic i am about a "positive nitrogen balance". i really think i could go on what i consider a starvation diet and i'd just lose a bunch of lard. And if i could get down to the vicinity of 180, and i could climb v8+. At 200, i'm climbing with folks 40-50 lbs lighter than me. And there's no way i'm under 14% body-fat. That means i have 28 lbs of blubber i'm hauling about. 8% ain't exactly ripped, but that'd have me down to 188 lbs. And that's assuming i'm at 14% now...could very well be i'm higher than that, which means i could lose even more without feeling it.
All that's to say the Yank'n'Yard's coming up in a month. And i'd like to rock it. You should come compete with me. It's a good time.
i think i'll go do deads today. Might get to go to the mountains tomorrow. And that'd be fine.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
The wages of sickness
Today my aura is: hammered doo-doo colored. You see, my li'l cold a couple o days ago turned into a full-blown, righteous bronchitis.
i worked out after work yesterday, and did chest. Didn't bump my max up for this cycle. Never really nailed any of my workouts last time 'round. But i got 'em all yesterday. The bronchitis did not help. i've been giving some serious thought to changing the focus of that workout. There's something cool about the thought of pushing a bunch of weight on bench, but it has nearly zero crossover value for me. Although i do think it's helping my shoulders. Dunno. Anyhow, i've thought about switching the heavy focus to weighted dips. Anyhow. Got 5 x 175, 5 x 185, and 5 x 200. And i feel like it would'a' been easier if i could have breathed. Did everything but the pushups. i was just sapped after that.
Today i climbed. i (again) mostly went in to study. But, dude, i was tired on v2s. i mean, i'd do a climb, and i felt like i'd have an admittable serum lactate. Couldn't breathe and couldn't shake the burn. It did get better after a while. i did repeat this v5 i did last time, and i got a big slew of 4s and 3s. But i got shut down on a project again. Now i'm tired to my spine. Feel like i could fall asleep on the keyboard here. 'Bout had it with coughing. Bleh. May sickness not fall upon your houses.
i worked out after work yesterday, and did chest. Didn't bump my max up for this cycle. Never really nailed any of my workouts last time 'round. But i got 'em all yesterday. The bronchitis did not help. i've been giving some serious thought to changing the focus of that workout. There's something cool about the thought of pushing a bunch of weight on bench, but it has nearly zero crossover value for me. Although i do think it's helping my shoulders. Dunno. Anyhow, i've thought about switching the heavy focus to weighted dips. Anyhow. Got 5 x 175, 5 x 185, and 5 x 200. And i feel like it would'a' been easier if i could have breathed. Did everything but the pushups. i was just sapped after that.
Today i climbed. i (again) mostly went in to study. But, dude, i was tired on v2s. i mean, i'd do a climb, and i felt like i'd have an admittable serum lactate. Couldn't breathe and couldn't shake the burn. It did get better after a while. i did repeat this v5 i did last time, and i got a big slew of 4s and 3s. But i got shut down on a project again. Now i'm tired to my spine. Feel like i could fall asleep on the keyboard here. 'Bout had it with coughing. Bleh. May sickness not fall upon your houses.
Monday, September 12, 2011
The Undulating Path To Monsterhood
Did deads on fri. It was in line with yer prophecy: it was...different lifting off of 450 than 410. On the order of, it sucked like a black hole. 5 x 340 was easy enough. 5 x 360 was eye-opening. 5 x 385 was not in the tea leaves. Got three in rapid succession. Then i backed up, rallied the boys, and got number 4; but i nearly shot blood outta my eyeballs. (And in fact, it took a while before i regained the vision in the right hemi-field of my right eye.) M' knees actually wobbled, but i locked that sucka' out. Backed up and gave some soul-searching to picking it up again, but i was afraid i might wake up paraplegic. So i moved to p'lups. Changed it up a tiddle. Did 20x BW, then 10 x +25, but then did 2 x 6 x +45. Rest of the workout i left the same, but it felt harder. Didn't do curls. Oh, and only did one set of hanging leg raises x 30. i was taking too long, and i thought i'd dedicate a workout (or stack it in one of the shorter workouts) to a hard ab session.
Today the fam went running again. i've had a cold/bronchitis for the last two days, and i didn't feel like going, but Steph made us. And i felt way better afterward. Then i climbed, and my expectations were very low because of said cold. Not to mention, i didn't really think the back workout would be helping much so soon. i mostly went in to study. But it waren't so bad. i finally sent a v4 that'd vexed me sorely--and one of the hardest v4s i've yet run into in that gym with the rating. Seems the route setters have upped the ante a touch on a lot of new routes. And that's fine with me. Anyhow, then i went upstairs to the cave and sent a v5 i couldn't send last time i came in fairly fresh. Then i hooked up with a group of pretty strong guys, and nearly sent another 5ish thing. And one of the cooler things was several of 'em are generally stronger than i, and only one of 'em could pull off that v4 i'd got at first. Nice feeling. Then i got on this other v4ish thing i'd sent at the comp, and even though i couldn't repeat it 'cuz i was too tired, i snagged these two slopey pinches and my feet cut loose, and i took three big footless swings on these absurd slopers before i got my foot on a hold. Absolutely could not believe i held on. Wouldn't have thought it was possible 'til i did it. Might have left my finger prints etched into 'em.
Anyhow, it just struck me as funny how Monster Days can find you in spite of all your efforts to suck. i'm thoroughly sick, heavier than i've been in a while, and i fully kilt my back on friday, and i still threw down one of the best sessions of climbing i've had in a while. That's morale on a stick. And i'll take it.
Today the fam went running again. i've had a cold/bronchitis for the last two days, and i didn't feel like going, but Steph made us. And i felt way better afterward. Then i climbed, and my expectations were very low because of said cold. Not to mention, i didn't really think the back workout would be helping much so soon. i mostly went in to study. But it waren't so bad. i finally sent a v4 that'd vexed me sorely--and one of the hardest v4s i've yet run into in that gym with the rating. Seems the route setters have upped the ante a touch on a lot of new routes. And that's fine with me. Anyhow, then i went upstairs to the cave and sent a v5 i couldn't send last time i came in fairly fresh. Then i hooked up with a group of pretty strong guys, and nearly sent another 5ish thing. And one of the cooler things was several of 'em are generally stronger than i, and only one of 'em could pull off that v4 i'd got at first. Nice feeling. Then i got on this other v4ish thing i'd sent at the comp, and even though i couldn't repeat it 'cuz i was too tired, i snagged these two slopey pinches and my feet cut loose, and i took three big footless swings on these absurd slopers before i got my foot on a hold. Absolutely could not believe i held on. Wouldn't have thought it was possible 'til i did it. Might have left my finger prints etched into 'em.
Anyhow, it just struck me as funny how Monster Days can find you in spite of all your efforts to suck. i'm thoroughly sick, heavier than i've been in a while, and i fully kilt my back on friday, and i still threw down one of the best sessions of climbing i've had in a while. That's morale on a stick. And i'll take it.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
we started a new p.e. regimen with the kiddos this morning. Took 'em to some reasonably flat open-space trails and we ran. The older ones have been wanting to compete in track, but a team's too expensive. But we can register them for races without the team. So we'll see how they do--if they can stick with it. The Anne is a monster, and i think i could have her in shape for some crazy distance. The boy--he doesn't like pain all that much. He's very fast, but a li'l bit lazy. If he can train through that, (and clean up the steamboat form) he'll crush some competitions.
For my part, i probably got 15mins of running in at a very low hr. But it was running. Reminded me how easily a week of slacking off can turn into a couple of months without thinking about it. Sho' did feel good to run again. Then i went climbing. That makes two days in a row. Nothing spectacular, but i've got a bunch of climbing in over the last two days. Yesterday i clumb particularly unpleasingly, but i got a bunch of fairly easy stuff, then strapped on the harness and did laps on routes. Today i actually managed to send several v4s (one which had spit me off many times) and a ton of easier stuff. Funny how big a difference it can be between when things click, and when your head and hands are off just a li'l bit.
Then i went to the other gym for shoulders. Started the 5/3/1 thing all over again without having done most of the deload stuff. i've taken too much time off, and i don't wanna lose the gains. Reset my maxes with 155 for shoulders and 450 for deads. i'm leaving bench the same. Shoulder presses were 3x5 with 120, 125, and 135. That feels a bit harder. Felt pretty good. Super-setted the DB militaries and lateral flyes. Very tired. Didn't do curls...figured 3hrs of climbing was probably sufficient. i'm looking very forward to the deads workout. Tha's gunna hurt proper. Anyhow, there's three workouts in the day, and i studied and hung out with the kids. Not a bad day at all. And fall's a coming. You uns gotta be looking forward to that some.
For my part, i probably got 15mins of running in at a very low hr. But it was running. Reminded me how easily a week of slacking off can turn into a couple of months without thinking about it. Sho' did feel good to run again. Then i went climbing. That makes two days in a row. Nothing spectacular, but i've got a bunch of climbing in over the last two days. Yesterday i clumb particularly unpleasingly, but i got a bunch of fairly easy stuff, then strapped on the harness and did laps on routes. Today i actually managed to send several v4s (one which had spit me off many times) and a ton of easier stuff. Funny how big a difference it can be between when things click, and when your head and hands are off just a li'l bit.
Then i went to the other gym for shoulders. Started the 5/3/1 thing all over again without having done most of the deload stuff. i've taken too much time off, and i don't wanna lose the gains. Reset my maxes with 155 for shoulders and 450 for deads. i'm leaving bench the same. Shoulder presses were 3x5 with 120, 125, and 135. That feels a bit harder. Felt pretty good. Super-setted the DB militaries and lateral flyes. Very tired. Didn't do curls...figured 3hrs of climbing was probably sufficient. i'm looking very forward to the deads workout. Tha's gunna hurt proper. Anyhow, there's three workouts in the day, and i studied and hung out with the kids. Not a bad day at all. And fall's a coming. You uns gotta be looking forward to that some.
Monday, September 5, 2011
What camping is good for
we went camping. i didn't climb on friday cuz we had to pack for camping that night which of course we didn't do anyway. so we got up and packed saturday and were (fortunately) many hours late getting to a place in the vicinity of taos. the camping spot was built into the side of a hill and looked out over the road connecting taos and angelfire, and the mirror image of the hill we were on opposite the road. so we drove for three hours to get a view similar to the one you could get at the park behind our house. but steeper. and it rained most of the time and hailed part of the time. i think i picked up a collective 6 hours of sleep in the 2 nights of trying. now it's 5 o' clock and i'm too tired to go work out. but we were camping in the mountains by golly. and the obnoxious cousins all got to be in the same place at the same time, which only occurs a few precious times per week.
so to sum up life on the health front: i'm more exhausted than i've been in ...can't remember when. which is something 'cuz i thought i was already that tired. just got a haranguing from my preceptor for being a space-monkey this last week. and i'm probably 3lbs heavier laden with lard from staring at my shoelaces and eating processed crap for three days. didn't get the tiling finished on the kitchen. didn't fix the ac. didn't actually hang out with my kids much. didn't (of course) go to a crag whilst there. didn't paint any bookshelves with fun shapes and polar dogs. BUT i didn't have a drink. yay for the home team. just don't get the draw to going camping to go camping.
so to sum up life on the health front: i'm more exhausted than i've been in ...can't remember when. which is something 'cuz i thought i was already that tired. just got a haranguing from my preceptor for being a space-monkey this last week. and i'm probably 3lbs heavier laden with lard from staring at my shoelaces and eating processed crap for three days. didn't get the tiling finished on the kitchen. didn't fix the ac. didn't actually hang out with my kids much. didn't (of course) go to a crag whilst there. didn't paint any bookshelves with fun shapes and polar dogs. BUT i didn't have a drink. yay for the home team. just don't get the draw to going camping to go camping.
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