i climbed yesterday, and it encouraged my soul. It shewed me a few things: 1) Taking a month off from the iron wasn't necessarily the best idea, 2) taking a couple o' days off from climbing now and again is a fabulous idea, and 3) i haven't lost as much as i'd feared. Somehow i've managed to seriously damage a ring finger. Funny thing was it didn't hurt me till the day after we put that building up. Don't know what i did, but it hurts mucho to crimp now. i climbed ok last monday, but it went steeply downhill from there for the following two days. So i finally took a few days off completely from total failure. It was kinda depressing. Wasn't like i just felt down or non-prime; i was falling off of v1s and 2s. Anyhow, yesterday was mo' betta. i sent that 4 that'd tossed me many times first try. i guess that was the last of my list of projects, so it was kinda freeing. So i went in and re-sent a 5 i'd done before. Then i got another thing that's prob'ly 4ish. Then i finally got another "v3" on the 8th or so try. Definitely the hardest 3 i've ever seen. As in, i got frustrated and went in the cave and nearly flashed a v5 in between burns. So: good climbin' day.
Today (and kinda as a result of yesterday's revelations) i skipped my chubby butt to the iron. Wasn't sure where to start, so i maxed on pullups, and did sort of a hybrid all-around light workout just to remind my skeleton that something will again be demanded of it in the near future. i think i'm gunna do heavy p'lups in place of heavy deads, and do straight-leg deads also. There's no skin left on most of my fingers, and i have a wrecked tendon, but once i taped all my fingers to their requisite degrees of immobility, it worked out to be a reasonable workout. Main thing, i got 100lbs on pullups. Just don't know what i weigh these days. But i was pretty happy with that after having not done a serious weighted pull for most of a year now. Don't know whether to calculate the 5/3/1 thing off of 100# or off of (?) 300#. Guess i'll do 300#.
Then i did a 32min run. Been a few moons since last i ran. Need to make a habit of that.
Calculate off the 100#. That way you don't have to constantly subtract your body weight to figure out what to strap on.
Yeah...no, I'd just assume my weight at 200. But it changes the weights a bunch. E.g. 90% of 300 is 270, whereas 90% of 100 is 90. So plus body weight I'd be pulling 290 instead of 270. Maybe I'll just go heavy and see if I can do it.
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