Monday, November 7, 2011

New Week's Resolution

Went to the climbgym fri to get that v6, and they'd already taken it down. Managed to get in a pretty hard workout anyhow. In fact, I've pretty much hurt my ring finger to the point of needing to rehab it.

So a friend and I went on saturday to a new climbing area. Great rock and a good day, but it was maybe 25-30° and a little breezy for extended comfort. There were snow flurries and a wind that cut to the skeleton. We stayed out there all day and had a ball, but I just don't get folks intentionally waiting for cold days to go project. Actually hung on the rope on a 5.10 right before the chains cuz I couldn't feel my hands... seriously couldn't tell if what i was about to hinge my body off of was really good or really bad. It was a ton of fun to be on rock again though.

Yesterday i started back on the 5/3/1 program with shoulders. Lost some ground over the last month--'specially endurance. The weight didn't seem so heavy, but the sets of 12 on accessory work were murderous. Not too bad, though, after a too-long layoff. Then I did a 40 min run. Very pretty day for it. Gunna try to keep that habitual.

Oh, turns out I'm not going to the south next...heading to farmington just south of durango. Maybe we can hook up a li'l wolf crick action, yes?


Pappa G said...

Wolf Creek has already got 100" of snow. I'm there, baby. I'm there!

c said...

Durn. That sounds just fine.