Tuesday, July 24, 2012


i clumb this morning. Which was a bad idea upon retrospection-- i had not enough coffee before going. The grogginess was high, and the pain tolerance was very low. i was fairly well rested after the two day lay-off though. i nearly sent one of the Unclimbables; only i didn't. But i came soooooo. stinking. close.

So i went to the house, drank three cups of superblack, put some baseboard down in a room or two, then went back to the gym for another go.

i failed again. But this time i don't know why. i think my left hand has nearly adapted to the stress the penultimate hold demands of it. i really do think it'll fall next time i go in healed.

But the second time round i ran into a friend, and he asked me if i'd like to rope up. Hee hee! That was pretty amusing. i think the last time i'd been arope was long about December. i've developed into a very strong climber over about 6 or 7 moves. i fell off of some pretty sad holds to fall off of. Then we bouldered some more. And now my hands are meatloaf. It's kinda tricky to type just now, in fact. But i might just send that stoopid proj if i heal from this. And if i could keep that up, i might just be a fairly fit climber come comp season.

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