Sunday, November 18, 2012

time for the purge

BLEEEEEEEEHHHHH. Been a strange couple o' weeks on the ol' workout front. i did finally get a problem on the climbwall that had been eluding me; but it probably went at solid v4. Not exactly a notch on the belt. But it was nice to lay it to rest.

Just finished a 5/3/1 cycle on deads. That's the odd bit. i just have had no time or energy to do the other workouts. Started out strong: got through the 5/5/5 bit on bench and OH press, and got 7 with the last set of 5 on bench. Then i just ... i dunno ... fell off. Went in on friday to see what happened, and gave up after a warmup set with 135--- it just hurt. Bleh. And then this 5/3/1 on deads was just sad. i couldn't pick up 95% of my max once. verylongsigh.

On the other hand, the last week of work went reasonably well. And there's Thanksgiving this week.

And i think we've found a church. That would be happy.

Gotta find a new start here soon.


R6Medic said...

dude... talk about falling off! It was jooleye whenst I last posted. wow.

Nice to see you are staying strong, and posted up at least three more posts than I!!

Hows the work in the line of physician assistance going?? Im very curious to get started... and very eager

c said...

My friend!!! There is life out there! Yeah, How're the prereqs etc coming along for that? i spend half my day loving my job, and half my day wondering why i picked this and wanting to punch someone in the throat. i'm hoping very badly that i find my niche here and end up liking it. You gotta be veeeery picky about whom you end up working with. But the cool thing is you can afford to be pretty picky. Lotta jobs out there. And with obamacare coming down the pipe, i have a feeling we're gunna become way more popular.

durr said...
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R6Medic said...

durr was me... i forgot to sign in with my other account... hehe

very nice! I like that very soon it is going to be very popular. Prereqs are still looming, but are lined up to fall quickly. There is a junior college just up the street that offers, for quite a substantial amount less, the 4 classes I need, ie chem I, II, Org Chem, and Genetics. Not referencing the BSN I have to finish (which I have a 3.0 in I might add! hehe)

Im really glad that I have you to draw solely upon, I was kinda concerned that I would be out there alone looking for jobs in a completely different way.

So, are you having troubles with our current employer?

c said...

So you're getting pretty close then. Cool! i'm not exactly having problems...Just getting into the rhythm and figuring out what i'm supposed to do is very frustrating. Most of the people i work with are very cool--docs included. It just doesn't take more than one god-complex to ruin a brutha's day, and we got some o that. i'm just sayin' be choosy. So can you get O Chem outta the way in one semester? Seems like ours was a two semester thang.

R6Medic said...

yea, its a one semester class. They just have to be for science professionals and incorperate a lab. If I really knuckled down, I could be ready to apply to UTSouthwestern by Jan... but seeing as how (and this is gonna seem silly to you) a wife and a child that my wife thinks that I need to spend a year at home, blah blah blah, I don't wanna get into that right now, Im gonna just prepare and get ready to apply in 2014 or so... cause you know, its all about keeping the females happy..