Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Thunder

Did an hour run today. Tried to keep 'er in the mid-150s for a heart rate. And it was a seriously pretty day for once. As much as i'd like to get on a snowboard, i hafta say i wouldn't mind some sunshine and not having to scrape my windows every morning.

On a somewhat oblique note, we've basically shut down the looking-for-a-house thing. i knew we'd hafta pay "mortgage insurance" until we'd paid down 20%; but it turns out that would cost us around 300 quid the month. i was thinking, "Hey yeah i could also take 4K each year out onto the lawn and burn it." That way at least we'd get some heat out of it. Piss. On. That. That is piracy. Why would anyone in their right mind pay that? So anyhow, i guess we'll just be on a holding pattern 'til we've a 20% dp. As such, i went ahead and purchased the rolling thunder from ironmind. Sounds like a good workout. Next i'm a get some gravity boots. But i'm gunna get down below 200lbs this year.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

"She's little, but she's Strooooong"

Well if even you are gunna go posting up, then i guess i should. Plus i need a benchmark. i've been hanging at just over 215lbs, weight-wise. And that's gross. i think i can get a bit more motivated to shave some fluff off when we stop averaging a daily temp high of 19ish. Just finished up a 5/3/1 cycle on deads, and i get to bump the max up, so i'll record that for future reference. Weights were based on a 490 max and went 370, 420, and 470. Got a double with the 470 which--kinda strangely--went up fairly easily, so i thought i'd try to lock 500. But i missed. Got 'er to the top of my shins, but my head wasn't in it for some reason. Funny really: i'm getting set up on the bar, and Annie starts asking me if she can do something-or-another, then i shake that off and i got a text from one of you as i was squatting, and by the time i started pulling i was thinking about birds or Tahiti or something. Ah well. i think 5 Cs'll lock up for me in the near future. i do like the idea of that Iron Mind thing. And i'd bet Annie would get into that too. All right: i've posted. Peace.