Sunday, January 20, 2013

"She's little, but she's Strooooong"

Well if even you are gunna go posting up, then i guess i should. Plus i need a benchmark. i've been hanging at just over 215lbs, weight-wise. And that's gross. i think i can get a bit more motivated to shave some fluff off when we stop averaging a daily temp high of 19ish. Just finished up a 5/3/1 cycle on deads, and i get to bump the max up, so i'll record that for future reference. Weights were based on a 490 max and went 370, 420, and 470. Got a double with the 470 which--kinda strangely--went up fairly easily, so i thought i'd try to lock 500. But i missed. Got 'er to the top of my shins, but my head wasn't in it for some reason. Funny really: i'm getting set up on the bar, and Annie starts asking me if she can do something-or-another, then i shake that off and i got a text from one of you as i was squatting, and by the time i started pulling i was thinking about birds or Tahiti or something. Ah well. i think 5 Cs'll lock up for me in the near future. i do like the idea of that Iron Mind thing. And i'd bet Annie would get into that too. All right: i've posted. Peace.

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