Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Hangboard #7:

Got in Numma 7 last night (1/12/15) and it went much better. Weighed in at 201.8 fully clothed, and that certainly gave me an edge over the prior sesh, but it was also a bit cooler (although i still ended up taking off the beanie and vest). But most of all i think i was gifted with a bit more focus and pain tolerance.

Warmup Jug:  -15:  Actually managed to use the Jug this time.

Large Open:
1:  -10:  Just fine.
2:  -Pin:  Fairly easy, so an improvement if not an increase. Go up next time.

1:  -30:  Five lb increase here. Not bad.
2:  -20:  Still 5# up, and not bad. Increase. :)

SemiClosed Crimp:
1:  -10:  Hard, but no fail. Untaping helped.
2:  -Pin:  2.5# increase from last time. Failed at the last beep. Way betta!

1:  -5:  Another 5# increase. No fail.
2:  +5:  Didn't use the pin here, but still a 5# increase. Not bad--could increase again.

Wide Pinch:
1:  -55:  Failed at the end of the last rep. Better.
2:  -45:  Failed progressively earlier in last 3 reps, with the last rep pretty much a flailing wash. Still a betterment from last go.

1:  -2.5:  A 2.5# increase. Failed somewhere in the last 3 secs.
2:  +7.5 and Pin:  Still 2.5# up from last round. Failed at the very end of last two reps. Better.

Narrow Pinch:
1:  -82.5:  Failed at the beep.
2:  -72.5:  Greased off the last sec of last two reps. That was a pleasant improvement over last time.

Kept several resistances the same yesterday, but overall really felt better and worked harder. Laid down a pretty acceptable round there.

Today i climbed a bit. Mostly bouldered. Really turned out well for having a hangboard sesh the day before. No complaints all around.

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