Sunday, February 1, 2015

Limit Boulder number threeish

First session on the Moon Wall with the new holds. Really went mighty fine. I've ended up basically putting up a semi-symmetrical system wall. Not entirely sure how "limit bouldering" is supposed to go, but it makes sense to me to fairly closely train with one hand what i'm training with the other.

I definitely need a bigger LZ. Not really using the top o' the wall, cuz i really don't wanna crash from there. But this was pretty cool: it's shown me that i need a lot of work on hard crimps (as though i didn't already know that), but it didn't go nearly as badly as i'd expected.

Need more bolts--really wish i'd have ordered more. And i need more campus rungs, which is a terribly, awfully cool thing to be able to say.

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