Crazy that this was only the 4th campus sesh. I really though it was the 5th. Stayed right on schedule this time 'round, and i seem to be handling it ok. Left elbow feels a li'l tweaky, but doesn't really hurt. This was an interesting experiment. Went to the climbgym for some boulderin' to warm up, and honestly overdid it. Very tricky line to walk at that wall. There aren't really any grades there to work through. Good place for ARCing (which i did for a while), but then all the boulder problems are either uselessly easy or just hard. Nothing in between--which is odd, 'cuz most of the routesetters can't climb 'em. There are no v2s or v3s on that wall. Super strange. Anyhow, ended up working a couple o' problems, which was fine; but i think i heavy-crimped past the point of "springiness" for campusing. Still: not a bad seshion. Can say i made some progress in spite of being tired. I forgot to take paper with me, so i'm doing this from memory.
XXL) Basic ladder B.
Tried a ladder skipping rungs like last sesh, and fell on my butt. Just went to the meaty bits after that.
1, 4, 6, M
Believe i failed B first go. Got it B second go.
Tried 1, 4, M first and failed. Kinda infuriating; so i just went to 1, 4, 5, M
Got it first try leading L, but failed 3 attempts leading R. Then i got 'er. Very satisfying.
Tried 1, 4, 6 B, but really didn't get close with either hand. Definitely feeling the over-doneness on this one.
Tried 1, 2, M and failed but for a hefty dab. So i thought: What if i just go for 1, 3. Actually stuck it leading L! That's huge! Couldn't manage to stick leading R cuz i couldn't get enough height on the pullup. Again, kinda cooked from bouldering too long. But i could snag pretty easily with both hands if i just jumped. So the sticking power is definitely there; just gotta come at it somewhat fresh.
Anyhow, lesson learned: gotta turn the volume down a bit on the warmup. Also was really clear tonight that a lot of campusing is just convincing m'self to go for it.
For the record, weighed in at 200 and change dressed tonight. Was 195.0# this morning first thing.
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