Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Campus #5 and Limit Boulder #4

Right then: power is done for the moment. Finished up the last "Limit" boulder sesh tonight and did the last Campus sesh for the season on 10/31 (3 days ago). My hands feel just decrepit.

The limit bouldering was not precisely what would normally be limit for me. Basically got stuck on what should have been the warmup-- got stuck on just bouldering hard. Did get some good routes out of the way. Not quite sure what any of 'em would go at. They're mostly my routes. Anyhow, some good routes in the bag; nothing very limity. Widdle pingers just weren't having it.

Saturday did Campus #5. Ok workout, but it let me know it's time to lay off. i missed some stuff i'd been getting pretty easily. On the other hand, i got some stuff i'd been missing.


Basic: Bleh. B.

Missed B
Then missed it again. did these in the morning. Might'a' been a li'l early.


L: Nearly. Lazy.
R: Same. Head not on.
L: Ugh! miss.
R: Didn't stick 4. Miserable.


1,2 (Start on 3, which stretched me out a bit more):
L: Good. Almost matched without a dab.
R: Got the match!
L: Got it!
R: Popped on the match.

B: Missed but touched. Nearly!


1, 2-3-4:
B: touched and missed 4. Very torn down. At any rate, that's still progress.

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