Sunday, August 20, 2017

HB #3, S:7

Yesterday got a pretty fine day of it in. Took the kids to the climbgym and met Jordan and Notowha fer some climbling, and we threw down pretty good. That worked out to be a warmup for HB #3, which was kinda experimental, and i'm not sure if it was useful or deleterious. It was so hot during the HB workout, it was hardly worth doing--even though it wasn't that horrible a workout. It was a step down overall from last time.

WUJ: -15

Large Open:
1: +10: Skin tearing R f2--> Tape up.
2: +20: Last coupla secs... Hot!

1: -30: Last 2ish fail. F2 skin a hurtin'.
2: -20: Ugh. Horrible last 3. Too hot.

1: -30 (decr): Really no fail. Ugh. Flies everywhere.
2: -20 (decr); Last 2 secs last 2. Better!

Wide Pinch:
1: -45: Last 2. Not too bad!
2: -35: Last 3. Hot Bleh.

1: BW (incr): Last 3.
2: +10 (incr): Last 2. Not bad.

1: -75: Last 2ish. Not horrible.
2: -65: Last 2ish again. That's ok.

I think it'd have been a better workout if I'd waited until it was a bit cooler, but that's ok. Interestingly, I'm reading back through last season, and it looks like I only did 6 HB workouts, but there're supposed to be 9. Don't know why that'd have been. I am planning to take 3 solid days off and go for #4 on Wednesday. My skin is already tearing. I guess I'm too old to heal that fast.

Then Phil and i got in a 9 mile MB ride at Kinsey. I hurt my knee climbing last week, and was really nervous about what it'd feel like on a bike; but it went pretty well. No pain. Just lost a li'l fitness from taking 2 weeks off. We definitely weren't going for a PR, but i didn't feel i was sucking too much wind.

Have also gotten in at least some weighted P'lup workouts in, and got up to a couple sets of 3 with +80lbs on--i think it was Monday. I'm a try to keep that up, and see if it makes a difference campusing this time round. Haven't gotten to do much iron work lately.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

HB #2 S:7

Very tired tonight. Weighed in at a bit over 207lbs prior. All in all, not a bad workout though. Encouraging to read back through last season's workouts. In spite of the lag, i'm pretty much in lockstep with HB #2 from last season--and'm actually better on a few grips.

WUJ: -15

Large Open:
1: +10:  No fail.
2: +20:  Tapped out last sec.

F3,4 (Shallow):
1: -55: No fail. Very hard. F4 R hand disapproved
2: -45:  Hardhard. Failed last 3secs last 2 reps.

SemiClosed (F3 outside dimp):
1: -30 (incr): Fail last sec last rep
2: -20 (incr): Failed last 2 r--total fail last r

F2,3,4 (Shallow scalloped):
1: -25 (decr): Failes last 1/2 last r
2: -15 (incr): Last 3 really. Hard. Think i prolly needed to untape something here. Slipping off.

Wide Pinch:
1: -45 (incr): Failed last 2 or 3. Hot!
2: -35 (incr): OK! Last 2r. Total fail last r

1: -10: Better. Toedown last r.
2: BW (incr): Woot! Last sec last r

1: -75 (incr): Last 3 secs! Not bad!
2: -65 (incr): Last 2 reps propa! (After the fact i see i progged 7 reps into this set 'stead o' 6).

Monday, August 14, 2017

Season 7

I can't believe it's been nearly a year since I've put in a season. But it has.

I believe I'd just finished the routesetter cert when last i published; and i can say i damaged a finger in that time period. I think that's part of what kept me down. Still nursing my right ring finger.

At any rate, I'm on season 7 now. Did the ARCing. That went fine enough. Did HB #1 yesterday. I'm basically comparing that with where I was at for HB 1 from Season 6 (which was on 9.19.16--so 11 months ago). Interestingly, i'm not really far off of where i was then. In fact, I'm not very far off of where i was on HB#6 of last season. That's surprising, but also encouraging.

WUJ:  -15

Large Open:
1: +10:  Hard... Tape F2?
2: +20:  Not bad!

1:  -55:  No fail.
2:  -45: Hard! Fail last 1.5.

1:  -40: No fail. Not bad at all.
2:  -30: No fail. Easy :)

1: -20:  Fail last 2. R F4 buggeth.
2: -20:  Kept it the same. F4 is bugging.

Wide Pinch:
1:  -50: toe went down last sec last rep.
2:  -40:  Yeah. End of last 2r.

1:  -10:  Big fail on last two. Hot!
2:  -10: Really no fail. Better.

1:  -80: No fail! Hard here. Did some digging deep.
2:  -70: Think i failed here on the last 2-3r.

Really a very good workout. Love hangboarding. Very surprised to not have lost more strength.

Today i did weighted p'lups. Wanted to do some DB rows, but some d00d was sitting on the one free bench. Got:

1: 20 x bw
2: 10 x +25
3: 6 x +45
4: 5 x +55
5: 4 x +65
6,7: 2 x 3 x +80. Not bad. :)