Saturday, December 1, 2018

Season 9 End

OK. Long time no posty. Right then.

I'm calling it on Season 9. Weird ending, but some lessons to be gleaned.

Great HB season (see last post) and i'm looking forward to starting that again. Got in 3 total Campus sessions. Evening prior to Y&Y i went out for a sprint workout, and for reasons that evade me, i nearly ruptured a calf muscle. Did Y&Y basically in Karate Kid mode, knowing i couldn't fall. Didn't have a bad showing, considering; but that was more or less season-ending.

Notably, did get down to about 196lbs then. That's the lowest i've been in a loooong time, but it's possible.

Did get in i think more Campus workouts after that, but they weren't good. One thing i certainly would note is that i've lost a lot of core strength. Hands are stronger than they've ever been, but on the Campus board i can't get the reaches i was getting last season. Need badly to start on the iron again.

And that really leads to the next thing needing a work-around. Got m' job back routesetting, and have a gym, but 1) it is horrible, and 2) i work in the opposite direction. Between having functionally no access to the gym, being to present unable to run or ride a bike, and the 20 degree days, i'm just rotting. There's a light at the end of the tunnel with a new job impending; but that's a ways off still. And scary in its own right.

I need a way to workout basically daily if possible. And i need a way to climb at home. I'ma try to install a landmine, which would make my rack way better and more versatile. I'm hoping to get a decent bench also. That'll be a start.

Doing Endurance work for climbing is trickier. I could design a Hangboard workout that is straight endurance. The trouble there is it will be hard to mock up my actual weight. I'm thinking I could create a an endurance "hangboard" out of a couple sheets of plywood, though, that would allow actual constant contact. And it would be easier to up-modulate the intensity. Kind of a vertical system wall. It would be boring, but significantly less lame than going to the weak-sauce, uninspired college wall here and finding it's once again randomly closed for no discernible reason.

My calf still tweaketh with stretching or loads even 6 weeks later. I damaged it propa'. But it is healing. It's just seriously taken the wind outta my sails. I've gotten just straight fat after doing nearly nothing for a month or so. Gotta gotta gotta get back in the ring. Got to.

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