Sunday, January 27, 2019

HB #8 Season 10

I have not gotten the chance to write in a long time, so I'm skipping some workouts here. Started work in Querque, and got a temporary membership at Stone Age, but their hangboard setup--while a neat idea--is so ghetto and so poorly kept that when the weight stack blew apart on me for the third time i just gave up. Tried to tell one of the high schoolers that manage the place about it so someone didn't get hurt, and they couldn't be bothered with it. So i'm just putting down a couple o' climb sessions during the week and hangboarding when i'm home on the weekends. That's stretching my season out significantly.

Because it's been so protracted, it's a li'l hard to compare my results through the season. E.g., on my last posting (HB #5) right after Christmas i weighed in at 214 clothed. Today i weighed in at 206 clothed. So tricky to claim the gains it looks like i've made on paper 'cuz i'm 8lbs lighter (which, by the way, i'm thankful for).

Anyhow, HB #8 today (would'a' been #9, but i scrapped the session at Stone Age). Notably, i'm hitting approximately the same weights i used for the corresponding workout in Season 9, which was in early October; but i weigh about 4 lbs heavier still. Also notably, i tore the skin on my right finger pad bouldering yesterday, and that put a bit of a damper on today's workout. I did superglue it, which helped; but the small crimps were scary. Ended up not making it a lot worse, but i'm'a hafta take some time off to let it heal.

HB #8 S:10

WUJ: -15

Large Open:
1: +10↔: No fail
2: +30↔: No fail, but li'l hard with the torn skin.
3: +50↔: No fail. Hard a bit. Tired maybe.

Small Crimp:
1: -60↑: Yeah. No fail. Not bad.
2: -40↑: Woo. No fail, but that was hard.
3: -20↔: Got 1 solid. Skin tearing.

F 2,3,4:
1: -10↑: Huh. No fail. Not bad.
2: +10↑: HA! No fail!
3: +45↑: No fail. That's a 15# incr and is where i left off on HB 9 last season 4lbs lighter. :)

1: +20↔: Again, last 2-3 secs last 2 reps.
2: +40↔: Weird. Same as last week, last 1-3 secs.
3: +80↑: Woo wee. last 4 sec last rep. 1st 2 clean. Hard.

F 3,4,5:
1: -40↔: Woot. Very spicy at the end. Hard.
2: -20↔: Last 2-4 secs last 2 reps.
3: +5↑: Failed last 3 secs last rep. Hard.

1: -45↔: Yeah Painful. Skin's tearing.
2: Here i converted back to Small Crimp @ -45 x 5r. Melted down on last 2 reps.
3: Same. Small crimp edge @ -25 x 3. Got most of the first rep. Terrible.

Overall a fine session, and i'm thankful to have lost some weight. In light of the skin tear this was an encouraging sesh.

I will also note that i'e been somewhat consistent with ab work, but not much else. At any rate, that's feeling easier as well for now.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

HB #5 S:10

So: last of the Intermediate HBs for the season today. Weighed in at 212 lbs. Still up about 10 lbs from HB #5 in Sept, which actually means i've made pretty good progress strength-wise.

WUJ: -15

Large Open:
1: +15: No fail.
2: +25: Got those. Not bad.

F 2,3:
1: -40: No fail. Hard.
2: -25: Inc here. Ugh. Got 2 clean, then just got tweaky.

1: -25: easy 'til the last rep.
2: -10: Incr. OK! Last 3ish sec last 2 reps.

F 2,3,4:
1: -10: Incr. Eeee. Last 3 sec last 2 reps. 'Bout right.
2: BW: Incr. Got 3 clean. No meltdown, but hard.

Wide Pinch:
1: -40: Better. Got 5 solid.
2: -30: Feelin' some burn on that. Got 3ish.

1: BW: Maybe 4. Whew.
2: +10: Well. Got most of 4. Then melted.

1: -65: Got nearly 5. So better.
2: -55: Oh man. 3ish. Then meltdown.

Good workout really. Got some lard to shed, but actually got some gains on several grips even with the extra weight. Yeah, not bad.