Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Lessee here.... believe it was Mon. morning, i went for a 40-45 min. hoof in ye olde foothills. That circuit's getting easier, and i'm glad. Every time i get terribly outta shape (i.e., every other year) and try to start up again, i'm sucking wind at a speed-walking pace, and i think, "OK, maybe this time i've actually gone past the point of no return." Shore do feel good when it quits hurting so much; or at least, when at the same level of pain i'm actually passing the morbidly obese, varicose-veined Lederehosen with trekking poles.

Last night, Annie and i went to the climb gym. i was about ready to shut 'er down after 15 mins. of falling off of v0 and being driven to distraction by MotorMouth. But then she talked me into going into a seriously overpopulated bouldering cave, where she almost instantly picked up a fan club of teenage girls, and i met some guys climbing at about my level. Then we both started getting serious about climbing when we had someone to show off for. She bouldered high enough that i had to think about her trajectory coming off the wall (although she ended up down-climbing like a pro), and i flashed a "v3" (that almost definitely went at easy v1), and then cleaned up several 2s and a real 3. It was a whole lotta fun to work stuff with some other guys that didn't care about how good they were or weren't. And it was a shot in the arm to pull the walls down with li'l rubbery people 2/3 my weight.

we're heading to C-Springs and Denver for the next few days, so i don't know if i'll be on. Take care.

Saturday, June 23, 2007


200.75 lbs.

Upper body in the reg.gym today. i wanna get a li'l bit mo' scientific with this than i have been for the last few weeks, so i'll try to remember the numbers.


BW x 24 (cheated on the last one. Super burn.)

Narrow Cable Rows:

10 x 165
10 x 180
8 x 210
6 x 225
6 x 225

These felt really good. i'd like to start doing some one-arm negatives. That'll bring in the abs, and'll show me what i can and can't lock off with.

Did some rehab with the bar on flat bench--30 reps or so-- and then a set or two with really light BBs flat. shoulder still hurts, but it's better, and only hurts on flat bench.

Incline DB Bench:

one or two sets with 50s. These were experimental, and it turns out i could'a done more. Felt good.


BW x 8
BW x 10

i need more tricep work. These felt fine, but i was starting to burn.

DB Shrugs:

14 x 90s
10 x 100
10 x 100s
8 x 110s
8 x 110s

TM Scissors:

Also experimental. Did 'em right this time. Almost. You hang from a pullup bar and with elbows straight, you pull your hands down to yer waist. i'm having to bend my knees to take some weight off, but i did several. Very hard. Probably better if i wasn't hanging from a 6" wide flat-topped power rack. Need a bar i can grip.

Pec Deck:

went up to a coupl'a sets of 6 with 225, which is all the weight on the machine. Felt fine.


i was very happy to be down to under 201 lbs. plenty hydrated. Makes me think weight loss is a possibility. i am going to pull down v5 by the end of this summer. Going to.

Friday, June 22, 2007


Had a fine climbing session yesterday. Got a coupl'a friends in with me and that ups the amperage a li'l bit. Pulled down a lotta climbs. Got most of the way up an 11- on toprope, and i'm hoping i can go back in fresh tomorrow and send. That'd be a nice boost to the ol' psyche. Hands are getting stronger though, and that's a good feeling.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Li'l bit mo'

Got back in the climbgym this evening with a friend who'd ne'er climbed before. That was fun. Mostly did routes, but it was a nice endurance/ rehab day. Pulled down a v2 i'd already done, but it was nice that it was very easy this time. Hopefully i'll get the hangboard up tomorrow. i'm also hoping i'll get to do squats and some deads tomorrow so's m' legs don't just deteriorate and fall off.


<300 lbs.

Yesterday morning did some abs. Got in 3 sets of 25 hanging leg raises and three sets of 30 decline oblique twist thingies with a coupla' 10 lb. hand dumbells on. The hanging leg raises hurt me. It'd been a couple o' weeks since last i'd gotten in to do 'em, and i felt every minute of my laziness.

Today i did maybe 40 mins. +/- running in the foothills. That finished off something like fifteen days in a row of working without a day off. i don't work tomorrow, and i'm thankful. i feel a vacation coming on soon.

Sunday, June 17, 2007


204.5 lbs. If you don't hafta round up, then neither do i.

Went in to the regular gym this morning for the first time in two weeks. Did upper body; kinda a generic workout. Got 22 pullups, which is a bump upward, and in my opinion ain't bad for a tubby guy. Worked up to 225 on cable rows. Did 3 sets of BW on dips. These felt worse than last time. Shoulder's still tweaking. Did some fairly heavy shrugs and finished off with the pec deck. The only thing i can definitely say is getting stronger consistently is my grip. Pulled my portly arse up on some mingy pinches that, frankly, i couldn't believe i could actually hold on to. That's kinda encouraging. If i could just lose 'bout 25 ugly pounds, i'd jump a few levels methinks. i've been running about once a week. That's not enough, but i haven't had time and it's starting to get really hot here after about 0800. Soon though, i won't have to mess with this sleep-flipping nonsense, and i can (hopefully) get on a regular schedule. One more week of it...

It's abs tomorrow if i can manage it. And i got me a hangboard for father's day. Happy father's day to me.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Thus far

Haven't made it back to the regular gym this week. Just finished working nine days in a row. i did go run 'bout 40mins. in the hills yesterday. Today i went to the climbgym real quick and pulled down my first v3 since getting back into it. i'd worked on this one a few times, but i felt like linking it up today, so i ran in and gorilla'd my way through it. Not too elegant, but i stuck the finish hold. That, at least, opens me up mentally to a new level of climbing. i wanna do a hard workout tomorrow. Also, i put in my 2 week notice at the hospital, which i consider by itself to be a huge investment in my health.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

The last week


The last week has been a tad slow workout-wise. i did get in to the climbgym a coupl'a times. Finally got my project v2, which i'm saying was a li'l bit sandbagged, and i got another 2 i'd tried several weeks before, but couldn't hang on. That felt nice. Also worked the crux start on a v3, and i'm hoping to tag that after a bit o' rest. Haven't been to the regular gym since the last time i wrote, which just means i never managed to get in for leg work.

On a slightly perpendicular, but intimately related note, i started a new job this last week. After working this weekend through, i'll have worked 9 days in a row (which is why i didn't get back in to work legs), but it's a fun job and-- possibly more importantly-- it's a day job, so i should have a life of some sort again soon. i'm turning in my two weeks at this one on Mon. morning. Just the thought of getting to quit this hellish crap-hole of a job is physically exciting.

Well i hope you Jungs've had a fine time riding and sampling the libations, and maybe-- just maybe-- i'll actually get a vacation soon and can come down for a visit. i could sure use your prayers. Prost.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


203 lbs. as of the 3rd.


Sun. i did abs. 3 sets of 25 on the hanging leg raises. Think i could shove another set in there now, then start upping the reps. Then 3 sets of thirty decline oblique twist thingies with--what?-- 8 lb weights. something like that. Wasn't bad, but it wasn't inspiring. my pain tolerence is sub-terran after being awake for 20 hours. i just couldn't make me go the extra mile on these.

Mon. (yesterday) i went running in the foothills. Did 40 or so mins. of mostly hills. This, on the other hand, was inspiring. No people, nice views, sunrise, no smog; just me, the bunnies, and the mt. lions. This could turn into a habit without too much trouble. Left ankle is shot, but i'm hoping that rehab will occur.

Today i'm planning to do legs and then go climb. i pulled up to the gym this morning after work, turned off the car, and fell asleep in the parking lot. When i woke up, i put 'er in reverse and went to my bed. i was s'posed to wake up before 8:00 to get the kids ready for Ouma to pick 'em up, but i woke up at 11:00 when momma called. Twilight Zone moment there. i'm like "What happened to my kids?!" Ouma'd had to get Annie to open the door for her and she came in and got 'em ready. i slept through the phone by my head, through the alarm, and through her stealing my children. Lemme just tell you, if yer gonna die in your sleep, that's how you wanna be sleeping when it happens.

Saturday, June 2, 2007


203 lbs.

Lessee.. Thurs. we went climbing on real rock. That was an ego shattering travesty. Yesterday i did a session in the rock gym. Turns out the quarter bottle of Lagavulin and half a magnum of various wines, chased with five hours of sleep isn't the very best pre-exercise warmup. Did get a V2 that'd been eluding me for a few weeks, but i didn't get my project route. Or anything else for that matter. Ok workout; bad climbing sess. This morning, however, i had one very fine workout in the ol' regular gym.


22 x BW (gonna get this back up to 30 soon.)

Cable Rows:

10 x 165
10 x 180
8 x 195
6 x 225
6 x 225

These were all clean. i'll start doing some ME workups on these soon. wanna be able to lock off one-armed with my body weight and reach.


3 sets of 10 with BW

i was very pleased with these. They didn't kill my shoulder like i thought they might.

DB Bench:

10 x 45s

These were kinda like being murdered with an axe by way of my left shoulder. They perfectly rely on the very specific strand of deltoid that is damaged. These hurt so bad, i thought i'd go do some pec deck.

Pec Deck:

12 x some weight
10 x more weight
10 x even more weight
8 x i dunno. went up in 30 lb. increments.
8 x the last + 30
6 x 220
6 x 220

That's all the weight on the li'l weight stack thingy. Man boobs or no, i like these things. They have a nice crossover value to the rock--i.e., squeezing like crazy. i'm pretty confident i'm not doing flys with 220 lbs., and i wish there was more weight on the stack. Interestingly, these didn't hurt my shoulder.


i skipped legs this week, cuz i never could make it in to the gym when i had any energy. This workout, however, is fleshing out nicely. i did sundry other things (e.g. bench, incline, delt raises, etc.) with reeeal light weight just to get my shoulder moving and see what it could handle. biggest limiter at this point is my weight. If i could get some semblance of discipline in my diet and get back into a regular groove on the aerobics, i think this regimen would start showing some very nice results.