Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Lessee here.... believe it was Mon. morning, i went for a 40-45 min. hoof in ye olde foothills. That circuit's getting easier, and i'm glad. Every time i get terribly outta shape (i.e., every other year) and try to start up again, i'm sucking wind at a speed-walking pace, and i think, "OK, maybe this time i've actually gone past the point of no return." Shore do feel good when it quits hurting so much; or at least, when at the same level of pain i'm actually passing the morbidly obese, varicose-veined Lederehosen with trekking poles.

Last night, Annie and i went to the climb gym. i was about ready to shut 'er down after 15 mins. of falling off of v0 and being driven to distraction by MotorMouth. But then she talked me into going into a seriously overpopulated bouldering cave, where she almost instantly picked up a fan club of teenage girls, and i met some guys climbing at about my level. Then we both started getting serious about climbing when we had someone to show off for. She bouldered high enough that i had to think about her trajectory coming off the wall (although she ended up down-climbing like a pro), and i flashed a "v3" (that almost definitely went at easy v1), and then cleaned up several 2s and a real 3. It was a whole lotta fun to work stuff with some other guys that didn't care about how good they were or weren't. And it was a shot in the arm to pull the walls down with li'l rubbery people 2/3 my weight.

we're heading to C-Springs and Denver for the next few days, so i don't know if i'll be on. Take care.

1 comment:

Pappa G said...

Send me a picture of the mountains. I've forgotten what they look like.