Thursday, July 5, 2007


The last week has basically consisted of slothful binge eating, mixed in with oversleeping and playing Flash games. Went to CO, and that was just bliss. Did get out to climb a coupl'a times at Cold Creek Canyon, and that was a shot in the arm. Needed that bad. Here're some pics of the kiddoes, and some of Annie climbing:

Had a 5.11(a-ish) within redpoint reach, but i didn't have time to point it. Did do all the moves on lead, though, and that's good for the head. Very doable. Wanna redpoint 12 before the year's over. v5-6 and and a 5.12: that's a reachable goal. Diet and aerobic program're gonna change though. Time to get back to work.


Pappa G said...

Nice. Annie's da bomb.

c said...

Yeah, she's my hero.