Friday, February 29, 2008

Leap Day

200,000.4 lbs. Today is a rest day. Wed. was my second day in the rockgym in a row, and thereafter i was in such agonizing pain that i declared a week off for myself and took 1200 of ibuprofen to celebrate. Unfortunately the ibuprofen worked too well, and i went back again for a third day in a row on thurs. Didn't send much, but i didn't do too much additional damage either. For now at least i'm hopeful, that i'll be off 'till at least tues. which should make for five off-days. i need 'em: there's no skin left on my fingers, and i've dislocated my shoulder maybe four times proper. i was back over 200lbs. as of wed., and i felt every ounce of it. But the weather's gorgeous, and i'm hopeful that i can start running regularly soon-- just gotta get my woman here to watch the kids when she's not in the throes of a nervous breakdown. Oh, and i'm planning (GOD allowing) to go snowboarding tomorrow. That ought'a get the blood flowing.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Shut down like a cellar

198.6 lbs.

After two days of terrible anticipation, i shinned on in to throw myself at my li'l v4 again. i finally managed to repeat the crux move, and even (sorta) linked through it from the sit start (although my foot brushed the ground). However, after the fourth time my shoulder tried to disencumber itself of its moorings, i left off for some new source of inspiration. i've got all the moves wired up to the crux, but i can't friggin' remember how i did that friggin' move. i did get it clean once today, but even then i dropped off and was like, Ok...Now what'd i just do? i totally know if i can go in clear-headed and strong i can do that climb-- i've done all the moves on it. But it's definitely a 4. And you sorta gotta hang all yer weight on the rotator cuff for a split second at the end of that crux dyno, and that is a real weakness for me. It's all about twisting yer body in this certain magical way that shifts yer weight onto the biceps in mid-flight, but i'll be danged if i can remember how to do it after i've done it. Each time i've snagged it it's felt easy, but if i miss a bit i have to reduce my shoulder and cry a li'l bit. Not a very inspiring day, but i 100% know that if i can show up strong that it'll fall.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


...i could just haul m' flabby arse into the proper gym. Indeed, that is my plan for this evening. i am going to go bench press something, and i am going to like it.

i also went in to the climbgym again today for a less unenthusiastic workout than sunday's. That piece of a climb that i sent first go with those guys that day has for some reason been obsessing me, and's become my new project. It's a v4, and i think i got the whole thing if i can just feel that strong again soon. i linked from the crux move to the finish the other day (which is what those guys were working on), and today i linked from the sit-start to that crux start. But i couldn't do the crux move again today. Just kinda felt off still. It's a sick climb though-- cool movement. The crux starts with you hanging parallel to the floor on an ok crimp and a bad pinch. You shove off hard with yer feet, cut loose the pinch and stab waaay out for a flat ledge. If you stick it, it leaves you in a semi-iron-cross position with your feet dangling (whereat you match as quickly as you can). Powerful move, but i got it first try. Now if i can just remember how...

Monday, February 18, 2008


Thought i'd mark down that i went to the rockgym yesterday. Definitely not a real inspiring workout, as i've been down with the flu since last wed. or so, but i got a few burns in. i am getting to that special point, though, where my conviction that i need to be back in the irongym is more than just an intellectual ackowledgement, but is a physical demand. That my forearms are now the strongest muscles in my body is not necessarily a tribute to my forearm strength. Plus i'm gonna have shoulder arthritis if i don't get 'em stronger; i've just gotten used to my left shoulder trying to pop out of socket when i latch anything sorta iron-cross style.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy V-Day to me

Today i woke up with some brand of bronchitis/ upper r.i., and i skipped all my classes including my first chemistry exam. i felt like bland poopy-doody. Yet somehow skipping all my classes energized me. i watersealed all the stone in my bathroom, caulked the baseboards, and took a characteristically not-terribly-restful nap. Then i went climbing. At first it was very much as though i had an ocean sloshing about in my skull. But i couldn't leave cuz i didn't want another three consecutive off-days. Thought maybe even some easy climbing would get the ol' blood flowing and improve my general outlook on life. But i didn't do any easy climbing. i meandered upstairs and fell in with some muscley ripped tattooed guys and taught them what it looks like to climb. Or, if it wasn't quite that dramatic, i did send their project piece first try, and dropped off to a bewildered look that asks, "How does someone that fat and pasty pull that hard?" Ended up hanging with another couple o' guys-- one of whom was right about my level, and the other was seriously good. This first guy was working a v3 i'd been projecting for several weeks. It's as hard as a v3 gets. He finally linked it, and i sent right behind him. That is one good feeling. There just ain't anything like working some hard proj with an amped posse.

Monday, February 11, 2008


It's, what?-- mondayish. Lessee here... last i weighed (on wed. it was) i was 198.6lbs. After a three day rest from climbing i went in semi-fresh for a laid back session today. De ja vous flashed a thin v3 for a warmup, and then had a pretty strong day of it. Didn't send much else worth talking about, but i was pulling hard on some really nice problems. Being just a few pounds lighter has a strange, near-miraculous effect on what i can hang from. Also, going in sans raging tendon injuries has a generally positive effect. Funny, but i was sticking stuff i nearly knew i was gonna fall off of when i first glanced at it. That's a real nice sort o' surprise. So if losing 3 or 4 lbs. has that kind of return, i wonder what i could climb if i dropped 15 or 20. Just gotta learn to live on protein bars and cereal. To je vsetko

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Fatty indeed....

Hee heee... i got it, yesseree Bob! went in yesterday and figured The Move out, but didn't have the juice left. did, however, hook up with some other guys and under great peer pressure sent a v3 onsight, and then a different 4(ish) after three of four tries. Today i was bored between classes and thought i'd see what happened, so i stared at it for a few minutes, gave it a warmup try, then sent it. 'bout kissed that finish hold.

Sunday, February 3, 2008


Well now. Tomorrow (mon.) will see me with three contiguous days of barely adulterated rest. Le's jus' see how 'em crankers 'n' pullers feel afta' that there now, mm. i'm fatter and significantly less conditioned than i was at the beginning of the weekend, but i feel me a v4 comin' on; yassah, i do.