Tuesday, February 19, 2008


...i could just haul m' flabby arse into the proper gym. Indeed, that is my plan for this evening. i am going to go bench press something, and i am going to like it.

i also went in to the climbgym again today for a less unenthusiastic workout than sunday's. That piece of a climb that i sent first go with those guys that day has for some reason been obsessing me, and's become my new project. It's a v4, and i think i got the whole thing if i can just feel that strong again soon. i linked from the crux move to the finish the other day (which is what those guys were working on), and today i linked from the sit-start to that crux start. But i couldn't do the crux move again today. Just kinda felt off still. It's a sick climb though-- cool movement. The crux starts with you hanging parallel to the floor on an ok crimp and a bad pinch. You shove off hard with yer feet, cut loose the pinch and stab waaay out for a flat ledge. If you stick it, it leaves you in a semi-iron-cross position with your feet dangling (whereat you match as quickly as you can). Powerful move, but i got it first try. Now if i can just remember how...

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