Monday, May 12, 2008

Deep Cleansing Breath

Right, and i clumb on fri. Not worth mentioning really. Clumb today, and that went something better. Sent a 4- that i couldn't link on fri. Last time i thought it was bloody sandbagged 3, and i was much discouraged at my wussiousness. Looked a bit closer today, and after adjusting my bifocals found it to be v4-. Fell off it a coupla' times, and after dislocating m' shoulder on the crux move, sent it. It definitely wasn't a hard 4, but it fo' schmizzle weren't no 3. Then i sent a 3 that'd thrown me 20 or so times. Flippin' balancy, scrunchy thing. Finally said poop on it, and dynoed past the crux for the finish. Didn't look too french doing it, but it was an all-points dyno, and there's something magical-- even Disneyesque-- about seeing an elephant flying through the air. Had Aeon with me, so there was a bit of a hurried air to the whole workout. i find that when v4 is one's redpoint limit, it's a fine idea to warm up on something easier than a v4. And one of these days i might have enough time for that.


Pappa G said...

Flying elephants are pretty cool. I'm pretty sure if I tried that right now there would be a sort of elastic pause as I let go and waited for my gut to catch up with the rest of me. More Looney Tunes than Disney, I think.

c said...

Heh heh.

R6Medic said...

i want to go to the gym very much bad... I think i will when I get back to austin from going to see your brother.

c said...
