Sunday, September 7, 2008


As predicted, it's been a thin weekend on the workout front. Did get an hour in on the bike on thurs. Good ride. i can tell i'm getting a li'l more fit, cuz it just doesn't hurt so bad to push it. And the ol' trans-ischial ligaments don't scream so loudly or so soon. Yesterday i spent an inordinate chunk of the day applying for a job with p ason in Canadian, Tx. i did this because the permian basin recruiter wrote me. However, they also have an opening in Rifle, Co, which i plan to apply for today. While i have some apprehensions about moving to Teenylonelyflat, Tx instead of finishing school and becoming a PT, i have no such apprehensions about moving to Rifle for just any reason whatsoever. i think i could move to Rifle and be happy driving a school bus. But Canadian wouldn't be too bad, i think. There's a river there (as i understand it), and there're some rocks over the border in Oklahoma. According to daddy, "It's kinda' pretty," and it'd put us a bit closer to them and you texans. And it'd probably pay twice what we're making now. Anyhow, we could use prayers for some direction here. i guess i'm to a point that i don't care much what we do; i just wanna get on with it.


Pappa G said...

Canadian! That's the name of the town I was trying to recall up in the north pole of Texas. Definately some suprisingly good climbing across the border in OK.

Check this: Check this
link to site

Pappa G said...

and another: ROCK!

c said...

Oo. That's perty. Well, i applied for it. Steph was a broken wreck of a human again this morning, cuz she didn't sleep well, and the baby got off of her feeding schedule a bit. i reckon we'll take the job if it's offered. Anyhow, i hope i hear from the guy. Pray for us, eh.

R6Medic said...

i'll definately say a few to the big dude upstairs. Love ya bro.. and see you soon