Thursday, April 2, 2009


So i'm thinking sure, ya, i'll just go in to the Kletterhalle for to do some light toproping, ya. But, says i, first i'll tick off this prob i was trying to link on tuesday. And hijinks ensued. Turns out it's a v6. i did all the moves on it, but just couldn't quiiiiite link through the crux after the start. So i ended up spending around three hours sporadically going back and trying to link this damned thing. There is nearly no flesh left on my hands, and i think i actually managed to pull a posterior intercostal muscle. One of the most frustrating sessions i've experienced in a while-io. i know i can do it 'cause i did all of it already, but i could not pull through the crux lockoff for anything. It'll go on tues. but i really wanted it today. Anyhow, she didn't turn out to be much of a "light workout" day. On a brighter note, i did tick a handful of hard 5.10s on TR, and i think i just aced my math exam, so i'm finding a happy place. i think i need to take a week off and come hunt some pigs.

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