Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Wrong! ...Conan!... What are the best things?!

That rocked proper, that did. Burned the midnight oil. Then i burned the 1,2, and 3:00 oil working on a stupid paper for math. (Who assigns papers for a math class?)Yessiree Bob: i do believe MS Word has gotta be one of the stupidest engineered pieces of software ever to get flushed down the pipe. It's the tool of Satan. Two hours to do the math and 4 hours to convince my tables not to spontaneously cook into an omelette. Math, it turns out, is more easily done with large quantities of Paulaner Salvator. Who knew? Got up at 6:45 to a screaming Katja and took Annie to school. Then i clumb on pure, manic, euphoric sleep deprivation. Didn't exactly topple any huge numbers, but i did get all the moves worked on a good handful of crazy problems. And by the grace of God i got to work with some cool folks, and good company generally makes a good day. i figure i'm gonna hit the wall and tip off into a seizure here in 15 mins. in math class, but that was a sick workout anyhow. And now i'm satisfied that i'm definitely, definitely too old for all-nighters.

1 comment:

Pappa G said...

you inspire me. There aint no way I could function on three hours of sleep. Much less, do a work out of any kind.