Thursday, March 12, 2009

Very fat; very weak

Today was unequivocally better than tues. Sent a couple of coolish problems, including a v4 that'd spit me off maybe 50 times. Kind'a thing where you throw to a one or two finger side-pull pocket from a heinous skitchy stance, and hope you stick. Every time it was like Stiiiiiick dammit!!! Nooo! Why?! Like if i could just get one more millimeter of flesh on the hold, i'd send. Finally shanked that sucka' today. That was nice. Only my biceps tendonitis is starting to rear its ugly heed again. i need some days off. But i'm pretty confident the reason it's so bad now is i gained some weight o'er the weekend. i do believe the tendonitis'll go away when the flab goes away. End of april it starts. i'm gunning for end of april for the v-diet. Peace to all my hood.


Pappa G said...

the job actually came through with a bonus this year. Course uncle sam took his 30% without asking, but I think I'll still have the jack to do the diet. End of april sound good to me.

c said...

mighty fine. mighty fine.