Sunday, April 12, 2009

Bed Sore

Nutty week. Fri. evening we ended up staying up till two playing a game at Nate's And Beryll's. Then the baby decided to wake up every hour or so for the remainder of the nigh. Then Steph woke up blowing mud from every major orifice each time she'd open her eyes, so she stayed in bed all day, and i got the chil'uns all day on four hours of sleep. Then Annie succumbed to the plague. Not so surprisingly i woke up this morning, brushed my teeth, gagged and tried to roar an HCl hole through the bottom of the toily. Now i've been in bed most of the day, and they're all at our birthday party at the moment. So while it's shaping up to be a bad day for ab work or eating pork products, it does have its perks. Trouble is i have so much to do for the end of semester i can't afford to be sick, so i would surely appreciate a prayer for some healing. Peace, and may your Easter be as laid back as mine.


Pappa G said...

prayers a' comin.

R6Medic said...

dude... that doesn't sound that laid back... try some baby wipes on the sphincter. they help alot! ha

c said...

Ha ha..."Tucks: Puts the fire out."