Saturday, June 13, 2009


Well. After that hiccup of hubris earlier, turned out i was talked out of going to the climbgym afterall. 'Stead, we had a scintillating trip of shelling out 2K on kitchen cabinetry, followed by an almost as expensive trip to Sam's. So to punish myself for my failure--and to purge m'self of the poison i dumped down in tx--i went to the normal gym for some self-flagellation.


Straight Leg Deads:
4x275 (Numb sparklies shooting 'cross the eyes here. i was real pleased to get the weight up, but again, the main thing was that i wasn't quite sure my grip was gonna last.)

One-arm Cable Rows:
6x120 (Don't know what happened. Thought i was going to break on the set before, then i found the beat and the way to ignore the trickle of sweat running down m' face, smiled and cranked out six like it wa'nt no thang. Happy deep six'd moment.)

Straight Leg Raises:

Upright BB Rows:
2x5x175 (Jury's still out on these. Juice might be better spent elsewhere, but it's not a bad workout.)

Right. Picked up a copy of How To Stay Alive In The Woods by Bradford Angier at Sam's, originally copyrighted in 1956. Awesome book, and i highly recommend it. So far i've learned how to catch frogs, what birds are most easily killed with sticks, and the plan of attack to scare a bear off its prey if you can't don't have the means to kill the bear and eat it. i have this nagging feeling it's going to come in mighty handy in the near future. Can't go wrong brushing up on those survival skills. For the moment, i'm killing the pain with a glass of Presidente. Definitely needs ice. i'm hoping the book details how to make ice in the wilderness.

Hopefully that v6'll fall before then. That's gonna be kinda irritatin' if i don't get that first.

1 comment:

Pappa G said...

nice session. Keep the upright rows. They build the yoke. Chicks dig it. Your daughters' boyfriends will fear it.