Monday, July 13, 2009

Quasimodo climbeth

Steph had the day off today, so i took advantage of my last day for a while without kids and clumb. i was elated to know i can still climb v3. Cali had me worried--weird place. i went to a climbing gym on the coast, and there was this skinny ripped dude what obviously owned the place and routeset. All the grades seemed really stiff, but i couldn't tell if it was just sandbagging, or if i was poisoned. i got a pump on my warmup that i never really did shake off, and the hardest thing i finished was a 2+ that would'a' gone at probably hard 3 at our gym. Then we went to Yosemite, and i couldn't get solid v0 there. That blew, but that was definitely a combo of way hot temps on glassy granite, and sleep deprivation/bad juju. i had absolutely no pain tolerance and no bloodlust.

But i scored a couple o' gooduns today. Did a v3 that i know is solid 3, another 3 that would'a' gone at solid 2 in Cali, and almost tagged a v5 that probably isn't really. That first 3 was sweet though. All the holds were angled the wrong way, so i had to slither through some yoga-like knee drops to maintain tension, and then throw out of 'em for a juggy sloper. i hit that thing with the first pad of a few fingers, my feet cut loose, and i swung out knowing i was gonna pop; but i screamed like a woman in labor and didn't. When i got my feet back on and snagged the finish i was like, "What was that?" i guess a week of nearly no physical activity isn't so bad on the tendons afterall. i was very happy with what i was pulling on after the travesty out west, but i have a lard roll that wasn't present before (although i weighed in at 193 on the bathroom scales today) and my endurance went on a different vacation than i, from which it has yet to return.

Tomorrow i'm gunna try to get in to the irongym. See how that goes.

1 comment:

Pappa G said...

I'm never as strong as I am at my home gym. Strange thing. I can go to any gym in Houston and the combo of Brittney Spears and fat/skinny guys/gals standing around clad head to toe in UnderArmor somehow sapps the strength right out of me. It's just not home.