Monday, August 17, 2009

1 4m 50 1337, 1 pwnd ur 4$$

Dunno. sounded like something a still-in-the-closet Everquest pro'd say. Anyhow, i lifted 505 on sat.

Little joke there, but i did work out, and it was a good 'un, in my opinion. i hate it when people use "ur" for "your". Makes me feel like a tard trying to sound it out. Lessee: "ur" in "urine". Is that really how we annunciate "your"? Only if you're a tad trisomal or make a habit of using your bedroom voice during casual conversation.

DB Bench:

warmed up with 40 or so bb bench with just the bar.

This was a token effort to do something to my whithering boobs. Killed my shoulders. Just weird: it felt like no weight, but my shoulders felt arthritic.

20xbw (These felt pretty easy)

i really would'a really loved a spot on these. i locked out with 90, but couldn't repeat, and i didn't feel like i had 100 in me. i'd like to go negative on these, but it's a bit hard without a spot.

Hanging leg raises:

3x10x+ankle weights

These, again, sucked; but there's definitely a benefit in taking a week off that isn't there after taking three weeks off.

Straight Leg Deads:


my goal now is to beat Bryant's pr straight legged, with the bar sitting on my feet. :)

One Arm Cable Rows:


This was a getting-back-into-it session, but these felt really good. Unfortunately, not drinking seems to be crazy healthy for me.

Bent Over BB rows:


These got a tad heavy towards the end.

finished with some wide grip pulldowns and one-arm pulldowns just to see how it'd feel.

So far, i'm waitlisted for an A&P lab, and a microbiology lecture, but if it all comes together i'll be taking A&P 1 and 2 and Micro all this semester. i'll be a monk if that happens. But if i pull that off, i have a good chance of starting pa school in jan. Please pray for us, eh.


Pappa G said...

Try doing your dumbell work (presses) lying flat on the floor (including flys). I'm 100% convinced that it's just as, or more, beneficial as on a bench and far less stressfull on your shoulders. It will put more isolated stress to the muscles being worked because it removes your lower body from the equation. also, it's impossible to break a parrallel plane with your shoulders, thus saving them. when your shoulders don't hurt, you can move more weight. You'll get some odd looks for making sweat angels on the pretty black mats, but fu#@ them. Anybody that deserves to be there would comment something like "Hey! Dude's doing DB floor presses. Nice." And move on assuming that you have a reason to be there. Everyone with a differnt opinion is weak.

I love writing drunk!

But serioulsy, it will save your shoulders.
Alltogether sounds like a fine workout. How long does it take you to finish that thing?

c said...

i'll give that a try.