Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Motivational Speaker

i had a thoroughly non-inspiring climbing session today. Could. Not. Pull. my. Schmidt. Togetha'. Had Aeon and Katja with me, so to be fair the juju beam was a li'l unfocussed. And this jackass 12 year old n00b was swinging on the gym rings right in front of my project 'cuz neither he nor his momma could read the huge flourescent pink sign that says "Please don't swing on the rings." And the music was cranked up to 2 or 3 decibals, such that if one cupped, say, a poster-board rolled up into a cone about one's ear, he might make out that music was, indeed, playing. And it was filthy hot. So if you would imagine climbing in an old-folks' home in mid-August Alabama with a bevy of Ritalin-starved grandchildren running amok, then you'd 'bout have the vibe. i s'pose the three glasses of wine i had last night and the subsequent night of not sleeping at all detracted as well.

i climbed nothing. At all.

On a brighter note, i did finally stick the crux on m' proj, and climbed through the finish, so i know it'll go. It's just frickin'---hard. And low percentage. But it'll go. i just could not link it from the start. It was one of those days where it was so frustrating that i couldn't stick that hold on link, i knew if just any li'l variable were different, it'd have gone. If somebody else were there working it with me. If the music were louder. If some hot chick had been on the treadmills. If i'd worn a different t-shirt. If i had a teeny bit higher pain tolerance, or if i'd taken my driver's license outta my pocket, or one less swig of water... i do not know. It was just that close. Absolutely maddening.

But it'll go. And the others will too. my hands and tendons felt healed and strong. Just had a low pain tolerance and low concentration level. Only a matter of time.

Oo, and i got into an A&P lab today (i'd been waitlisted), so i'm fully signed up for A&P 1, A&P 2, and microbiology for this semester. i'll be slicing up cadavers on saturdays. Don't think i'll be getting out much this semester. i'd appreciate your prayer.


Pappa G said...

Sweet! I'm glad to hear you got your A&P groove on. Sounds like it's going to be a hellish semester but I'm convinced it'll pay off for you. At the very least, you wont have the time to be very self destructive. I'm gunna keep praying.

c said...

Haha! in my experience, there's always time to be self-destructive. But if i can pull the rest of my stuff together, it should allow me to apply for school starting in jan. That'd rock.