Friday, November 13, 2009


First a prayer request: Steph's stayed home for the last couple o' days from work 'cuz her contractions have gotten really bad/frequent. Two nights ago we almost took her in to the clinic because she'd had ten contractions in an hour. They seem to subside rather a lot when she relaxes, but it's starting to look like that calls for a couple of months of near bed-rest. we're trying to figure this out, 'cuz we sho' don't have the funds for it. i'm not too worried; only i wish i knew what my status was going to be with school. i'd just go find a job if i knew i weren't going to be accepted.

On the workout front, interestingly i've had some seriously stale climbing sessions this week. Funny, because i ended up getting more rest than usual through last week and the weekend. Anyhow, i'm gunna try to go in today for a short one, and maybe get in to the irongym too. i'll be praying for Meg. Peace.

1 comment:

Pappa G said...

Dude, yeah. I'll be praying. Have you tried calling the school to check the status of your app?