Each tuesday i have a two hour lunch break, and each tuesday i start the morning out thinking to myself that i'll not climb, but will instead use the time wisely to do homework, etc. Each tuesday lunchtime rolls around and my studious resolve has been leached from my bones like calcium after a vinegar bath. Today was no exception.
And it's a good thing too, 'cuz i sent m' v5 project.
Crazy session, all told. Slept fairly poorly last night (which is becoming de rigeur with baby bagpipes reposing next bed over.) i'd failed at the send on sunday, and i was still feeling the pain, so i had very low expectations--so low, in fact, that i nearly did stay at school and study. But the warmup went ok, and i ran into a friend who's generally a stronger climber than i. He was having a subprime day and was working a v3. i jumped on and flashed. Then i got a pretty stiff v4 on 'bout the 4th try. i was feeling me oats, so we went upstairs and i sent the proj first go.
That made for a giddy, floating feeling.
So i went down to the freestanding boulder and hooked up with another friend who usually just makes me look bad. They were standing next to a new 4, and i asked 'im if he'd done it. Said he hadn't gotten the top bit worked out. So i laughingly told 'em to stand back so i could onsight the thing. Then i did.
The tendonitis in my left arm flared up like a fireworks display, but that was a good workout anyway. Mighty nice to have a solid, hard day of it after a really long dry spell. Now i'm gonna try to stay away 'til this weekend to heal. Peace.
Ahhh...There's nothing so rewarding as squashing your friends!
Haha! Amen, brutha'. Amen. That seems to be what friends are for.
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