Your Sleep Depriving Mouse done come fo' a visit. i've gotten me to bed long 'bout 12 for the last few nights to study, an Squeaky has a raw butt what's causing a superhuman decibel amplitude out'n his larynx.
No matter though: i clumb today anyway, four hours of sleep notwithstanding. i hurt ...i dunno, something in my arm--something that has henceforth constricted the radial nerve inexplicably and ferociously. This mattereth not also. i flashed a v5. Granted, it was the v-threeishest v5 i've yet been on; but the tape said v5, so i'm taking it. Haven't gotten in to the irongym this week. Having a baby has put a crimp in my available time, it turns out. But i think taking a single week off won't be the end of things. Oo, and i have had an epiphany for to turn m' wee Klettermauer into a mo' betta' gym. If any of you would like to donate some gym rings as, say, a present for the baby shower, you'd be contributing mightily to his future skill set and general manliness.
I think it must be something more viral than what is simply handed off. For the Squeekmeister remains at my home still. The older and stronger he becomes, the more decibles the litte chap is able to produce. It is sanity crushing bad mojo.
He still colicky, is 'e? Well i feel for you bro. This li'l dude sleeps pretty much all the time (being, as he is, nearly a week old), but he's got the chapped flaps; so he wails proper when he acidifies 'em. There's a light at the end of this tunnel. i don't how i'd deal if he 1)did that every 15 mins. or 2) kept it up for several months. You have my respect, if not my envy. But even that'll pass.
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