Monday, September 27, 2010

Startin' the week propa'

Weighed in at about 196 today. That's after breakfast. i expect i'm doing some crazy glycogenoneogenesis...'specially after yesterday. And i'm ok with that. If i've gotta' have weight, then that's the weight i need. Still have plenty of lard to lose to get me below 190.

Yesterday i dragged out m' cycling gear and i actually did an hour on the ol' QR. That is what i was made for! i'm afraid i have not fulfilled my purpose in life. There is just no pain i get off on quite like that. In fact, i'm not sure there is any other pain quite like that. Nothing torches yer quads and hams at the same time quite like clipless pedals up a stiff hill. Yeah, it occurred to me during the ride that i could not remember the last time i'd activated any of my quadriceps in a coordinated, forceful effort. It was a perfect day, and the wind was outta the north, so it was a very encouraging first ride. It amazes me every time i go out how hard it is for me to get my butt on the saddle and out the door compared with how much i love life when i'm out there. Anyhow, hopefully i can pick up a regular habit of it and get in shape for it before it's too cold to be barely getting in shape.

Then i went in and lifted. Started out well enough, but halfway through deads i got into a conversation with a feller about politics, and that consumed all my time. i'm hoping to get back in today for the rest of it. Otherwise, i might figure out how to replace everything i've been doing with my rings. Except for the deadlifts. i think it'd be possible to mimic deads on rings, but it'd be frightful hard. So today: more back work (and hopefully a stealthy spell of climbing.)

Personal Note:

Did get that climbin' sesh in. Couldn't boulder worth a crud, so i got on toprope and (supposedly) flashed a .10 and a couple of .11s. i don't think any of 'em were rated correctly, but i'll take what i can get for my puny ego.


Pappa G said...

Go find a big arse rock to pick up. It'll improve your dessert zero scaping theme in the backyard and make you stronger!

c said...

Oy, ya. Big slab in the front yard. Kinda' use it as an intimidation tactic for the nosier neighbors.