Monday, November 15, 2010


Yesterday was a good workout day. i didn't get my 30min run in on saturday, 'cuz i was so wiped out after that weird ride, so i did an hour yesterday 'stead of the 50mins. Thing is it was pretty cold, and i blew past all my checkpoints. Made a point to keep my HR at or above 150 just to see how it felt, and i shaved about 3mins off the run. Way nice to get a bit faster, but i think it was a harder run than it was supposed to be. Then i swam. 300w/u, 1,000 straight through, 300c/d. i've got a lot of work to do on the swim. It was way mo' tiring than it should'a' been. Funny how swimming goes: some days it seems effortless, and some days you wonder if it might be easier to go backwards. Then Steph and the kids came, and we all swam. That was more fun. i'm wanting to enter Annie in a kids' tri this year. She's kind'a amped about it.

Seeing as swimming and heavy lat workouts mix like orange and purple, i opted out of the iron workout. Hopefully, i'll find a slot for it today. i'm slated to do an interval workout on the bike, but this studying-one-day-a-week thang for school is not working out so well. i'm beginning to remember just why i got so fat and toxic last quarter. i've gone from "needing to clean up my act if i'm gonna get As" to "needing to clean up my act if i'm gonna scratch out Bs". That's demotivating.


And there's the lat workout in. Worked up to a couple sets with 100 on pullups. Actually felt pretty good after yesterday's tiredness. Lessee...
6 x 45
6 x 55
4 x 65
4 x 75 (last rep i didn't lock out)
3 x 90 (again, didn't fully lock the last one)
2 x 1ish x 100 (got out the milk crates and cheated up for a couple o' negatives after a clean first rep)

On straight leg deads, i had the interesting epiphany of accidentally picking a bent bar. If you've never tried to keep a seriously heavy bar from rolling itself out of your hands, then i highly recommend it. As a result, i didn't go quite as heavy as i wanted to, 'cuz i had to get to class and didn't have time to change out bars. i'm planning on going back this evening and finishing out the workout. Had to cut it short to get to school.

On the health front, i've pretty much cut out the candy from the diet. Weighed in at 193 this morning.

How's rural texas behaving these days?


Pappa G said...

You are incorrect sir. Purnge is one of my favorite colors in the spectrum.
Nice pullup work. I think I'm inspired to try a bit of that this evening.

R6Medic said...

I have to second glenns opinion on this.. that pullup workout was pretty gnarly. Did you get Steph to wash your upper body after that?

c said...

i s'pose purple n orange are just happy as partridges sitting next to each other (if you're a tad of a sociopath). It's when you stir 'em together and get diarrhea brown.

And no, the woman did not wash me down. She is an unruly, unsubmissive woman. But she did lament a li'l bit, and i did (as usual) see my enemies driven before me; and those, after all, are the best things.