Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Yesterday is the programmed off-day for the tri training. i wuz gun' do back at the irongym. But it was that special oppressive sort of day where the real short-term goal was to not drive my auto into a bridge pylon. It was sunny, but really cold and windy. i think i instinctively associate that kind of day with every bad thing that's ever happened to me. It sucked the life-force outta my nostrils. And i was kinda dizzy, and just generally felt like poo. So i didn't irongym me. i climbed. Turned out to be a poor choice, i think. Didn't feel especially weak; only my head didn't show up for the session. It's one of those sports where being off-balance and sluggish doesn't pay out very well. Ah well...live and learn. (Or at least, some people seem to.)

The truly poorly thought-out bit is that today i'm s'posed to do a hard bike and a hard swim--so once again i'm faced with the decision of which workout's gonna suffer/get 86'd. On the other hand, i've got this week to get my "capstone" proposal done. The capstone is our version of a thesis for school. The proposal is supposed to be 12ish pages long. The problem is that i don't have a wispy idea of what i want to spend the next year of my life researching. (If you've any epiphanies, i'm in the market for epiphanies). i'm kinda playing with the thought of fatty acids and inflammatory cytokine modulation, but you wanna talk about swimming in biochem Duckspeak...yeesh. Anyhow, the upshot of having no inspiration and being up to my eyeballs in work that i have no desire to do is that i might just get all three workouts in after all. :-)


Well, there's the bike ride in. 70min ride with 7 x 20sec power intervals on a 2min timer. Twenty secs doesn't feel like any time even during the interval, but by the end of the last couple of 'em i was screaming like a little girl. Put the bike in the biggest gear i could get to, and turn as much wattage as possible for 20secs. Nice, toasty quad burn. i'm gunna try to get in a quick back workout, then some research.

...And there's the back work. That was definitely not a skeletal (or quick) workout. i 'spect i'll be feeling that for the next couple o' days. i think the climb workout yesterday didn't add anything to today's workout, but it would have been worse if i'd actually been able to climb hard. Worked back up to a couple of sets with 100 on pullups. On both sets i did the first one clean (although that was questionable on the second set), then cheated up for three more negatives. On straight leg deads i worked up to a set of 4 with 295. First time i've gotten to that weight in a while-e-o. Felt especially good 'bout it after the hard ride this afternoon. Also did cable rows, abs, wide grip pulldowns, and bent-over BB rows. Biceps were cooked after that last bit.

Took Annie swimming after i got home. Didn't get the workout in, but that was more fun. i'm really wanting to get her into a kids' tri sometime this spring or summer--see if she'll catch that virus. i think she's gonna be a killer runner, but i also think she could be a fantastic swimmer if she'll train for it a bit.

Didn't get the research worked on. Tomorrow's gunna be a long 'un. Might squeeze that swim in before i hit the books though...

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