First day of ED today.
And i'd say it went well enough. Saw a whole bunch o' pts. And some of 'em had real issues. Haven't worked out properly since i've been here. Kinda piddled with bouldering in Morrison yesterday, but it was really too hot for it. i was melting. And since every single landing there has death written on it, i didn't feel like seriously testing the rock friction. i've gotta find a gym. Went to 24hr yesterday, and they have a pool. But it's so dang gay there. You have to filter out all the stupid gay equipment to see if they have the stuff you'd actually use, and they generally don't. Only reason i'd think of it is 'cuz they have a pool. i was too dumb to bring my bike. Gonna try to remedy that at the first opp.
In other news, went up on Green Mt. to watch the fireworks, and that was really flippin' just awesome. i'm walking these trails i've walked hundreds of times, and my feet knew where to go, and i knew where the turns and dips were, and i felt sorta home. i think i'm gunna go run tomorrow before i head to work.
It is my opinion that yous should plan a trip up here while i'm here. we'll go do some climbing that doesn't suck.
Yeah. i feel like that'd rock.
And i'm having a Tommyknocker's Oaked Butthead just now (in case you were needing more of a fire lit under yer ass to get things planned).
that sounds pretty amazing. I can see most of the twisties on green mnt in my head. we could be very close to getting our rent house sold and that would possibly open up a trip for me. Please pray that the current tenants can buy that place!
Super stoked youre back in the motherland! To me, its potentially the motherland. I'd like to think so anyway.
How was the ED man? I wish I was there to run some patients in and out for ya!
oh and hey.. I got my first deadlift shin bleeder tonight!! heheheheheh
Strong work on the shin bleed, brutha! i've taken down some epidermis, but i ain't seen blood flow yet. D'you have respectable weight on the bar for blood, then?
And i'll sho be praying for you G. And not just so you'll come up here. Be nice if you could get out from under that.
So far, ED's been the best learning experience yet. Haven't done much in the way of procedures, but you see a lot there...stuff you just don't see with inpts in internal. I&D'd some dude's groin abscesses yesterday. That's just filthy. You just don't see that kind of action on a medical floor.
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